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    Package Options

    Options available to setup Packages on Rates in RMS.

    Package options available on Rate setup are determined by the selected Rate Structure.

    OTA Rates can be used on the RMS Internet Booking Engine, in-house and with all Online Travel Agents.

    OTA Rate Packages will always be set as 'Inclusive' and charge every reservation date using the Sundry Charge and Amount to Charge options selected.

    The following Package Options are available:

    Package Option Description
    Sundry Charge
    Show on Account The selected Sundry Charge for the package component will be created as an individual transaction on the account.
    Post to Extras Account The transaction for the package component will be created on the secondary account and not on the main account where the Rate is created.
    Show on To Do Chart The package component will be displayed on the To Do Chart as a Requirement for the date it applies to a reservation.
    Show on Housekeepers Report The package component will display on the Housekeepers Report as a Requirement.
    Post on Next Day Rate Packages are created on the account with the same transaction date as the Rate Amount. Post on Next Day will create the transaction for the package component on the following day instead.
    Make Package Inclusive* Inclusive Packages deduct revenue from the Base Rate and allocate it to the General Ledger Account Code on the selected Sundry Charge without increasing the overall price of the rate.
    *Confirm the channel connection's capabilities for accepting inclusive or exclusive packages when using OTA Rates.
    Amount to Charge
    Per Period Fee The amount entered for the package component will apply for each period (Hourly, Daily, Nightly) using the Rate Table and Apply Charge options.
    Per Person Fee The amount entered for the package component will be based on the number of Guests on the reservation and will charge based on the Guest Type.
    Percentage of Rate The amount for the package component will be calculated as a percentage of the Base Rate Amount with the option of only applying if the Rate Amount is between a preset bracket.
    Apply Charge*
    Every Charges for the package component will be created every specified period for the duration of the reservation.
    Every Period will create a charge for each period (Hourly, Daily, Nightly) based on the Rate Table's format.
    On the Charges for the package component will be created as a once off charge (Hourly, Daily, Nightly) on the specified period based on the Rate Table's format.
    * OTA Rate Packages will only apply on every reservation date (Every Period) and cannot be setup with the above 'Apply Charge' variations.

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