Information on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Display Add Ons on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Add a new reservation on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Filter displayed Areas on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Filter displayed Areas by Attributes on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Display options for Categories & Areas on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Check-in a reservation on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Check-out a reservation on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Set the default colours and text used for reservations on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Customise and use the Data Window on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Set the user preferences for display options on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Edit a reservation on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Display reservations by date only on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Enable horizontal reservation moves on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Display the Housekeeping Status for Areas on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Add a Maintenance block on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Move a reservation on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Navigate on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Set the Booking Chart to navigate to the arrive date of an edited reservation in RMS.
Set a default start date to open on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Navigate to special event dates on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Change the Area for a Reservation in 'Arrived' status on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Display the Property Occupancy on the Booking Chart in RMS.
Move a Reservation into an occupied Area in RMS.
See the Rate Amount when drawing a Reservation on the Booking Chart in RMS.