Information on the differences between the Area Change & Area Move Reports in RMS.
Generate a report on availability of Areas from a set date in RMS.
Report on all changes to the allocated Area on a Reservation in RMS.
List all Reservations where the Area was changed when the Reservation was in 'Arrived' status in RMS.
Print or export the Booking Chart in RMS.
Report on reservations with a Departure Date for a selected date range in RMS.
Report on all reservations with an 'Arrived' status in RMS.
Create a list of guests in-house with mobile phone numbers in RMS.
Report on reservations not checked-in for previous dates in RMS.
Report on reservations not checked-out for previous dates in RMS.
Generating an Overdue Deposit List Report in RMS.
Report on all current Repeat Charges on Reservation or Guest Accounts in RMS.
Report on all reservations arriving, departing or staying in-house over a date range in RMS.
Generate the Stock Control Report for current inventory in RMS.
Monitor or review all Traces for a selected date range in RMS.
Generate a Reservation List Report for Groups Only in RMS.
Generating a report of Cancelled Reservations including revenue lost in RMS.
Generate a Reservation List by Travel Agent including Voucher Number in RMS.
Reporting on all arrivals for the previous month in RMS.
Report on Reservations in Cancelled or No Show status in RMS.
Report on Arrivals that have completed Pre Check-in in RMS.
Report to audit the Area Status in RMS.
Report on all Requirements for a date range in RMS.