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    Booking Chart: Maintenance

    Add a Maintenance block on the Booking Chart in RMS.

    Steps Required

    1. Go to Charts > Booking Chart in RMS.
    2. Navigate to the Date.
    3. Expand the Category.
    4. Select the Area and Date.
    5. Select 'Add Maintenance'.
    6. Add the Maintenance Notes.
    7. Save/Exit.


    Add Maintenance on the Booking Chart to quickly block out an Area without navigating to the Maintenance Utility.

    Visual Guide

    Go to Charts > Booking Chart in RMS.

    Navigate to the Date.

    Expand the Category.

    Select the Area and Date.

    Select 'Add Maintenance'.

    Add the Maintenance Notes.

    Select 'Save/Exit' to store the changes made.

    The Maintenance block will now be saved in RMS.

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