Connection information for Campstay.
Availability, Rate & Reservation Information
The following Availability, Rate and Reservation information is sent and received between Campstay and RMS.
Availability & Rates |
Guests & Reservations |
Availability |
Guests |
Allotments |
Surname |
Live Availability |
365 Days |
Given |
Oversell Allotments |
Address |
Release Back Time |
Town/Suburb |
Rates |
State |
Additionals Rates |
Postcode |
Currency |
Country |
Rate Amount |
Phone |
Rate Description |
Email |
Override Amount |
Person Base |
Restrictions |
Reservations |
Closed to Arrival |
Single Reservation |
Closed to Departure |
Group Reservation |
Maximum Nights |
Modification |
Minimum Nights (MLOS) |
Cancellation |
Minimum Nights (Soft Close) |
Email Confirmation Sent By |
Campstay |
Stop Sell |
Reservation Details |
Adults |
Children |
Infants |
Arrive & Depart Date |
Booking Source |
Category |
OTA Notes |
Rate Type |
Travel Agent |
Frequently Asked Questions
How does my park receive payments from Campstay?
If you select a 10% deposit payment policy, simply invoice the guest for the remainder of their booking on check-in – you do not need to invoice Campstay. If you select an alternate payment policy, Campstay may charge the guest for a portion of, or the entire booking on your behalf. Campstay will retain this payment until the booking takes place, in case of cancellation or amendments. After the reservation takes place, please invoice Campstay for any outstanding funds. If you have more than one reservation with Campstay during the month, please invoice us for all relevant reservations in one statement.
How do I know I have received a Campstay booking?
You will receive a confirmation email from Campstay immediately after an online booking is made. If you use RMS, the booking should already be in your system – it’s that easy. When the guest arrives, make sure you verify their identity and charge them for any outstanding payments, depending on the payment policy selected.
Where and when does the guest pay for their booking?
Depending on the payment policy you have selected for the booking period, the guest will either pay for a fixed percentage of the booking up-front, or for the entire booking. The amount the guest has already paid will appear on the booking confirmation email. If the guest has only paid for a portion of their booking, you will need to charge them for the remainder upon arrival or check-out (depending on your park’s policy). You are also responsible for charging the guest for any incidentals.
What happens if a guest amends their booking?
Campstay will facilitate booking amendments on your behalf, subject to availability and your terms and conditions. We will email you if any booking amendments are made, which will also be reflected in your PMS. If the payment policy requires the guest to pay for the entire booking upfront, we will either refund or charge the guest the difference.
What happens if a guest cancels their booking?
Depending on the cancellation policy you have chosen, we will process any refund the guest is entitled to, less our cancellation fee. Please invoice us for any remaining funds.