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    Booking Chart: Reposition on Edit Reservation

    Set the Booking Chart to navigate to the arrive date of an edited reservation in RMS.

    Steps Required

    1. Go to Charts > Booking Chart in RMS.
    2. Select the 'Options' icon.
    3. Select the toggle 'Reposition Chart to Edited Reservation'.
    4. Save/Exit.


    Selecting 'Save/Exit' on a reservation opened from the Booking Chart will cause the Booking Chart to navigate to the Arrive Date of the reservation as the first date displayed on the chart when using this option.

    Visual Guide

    Go to Charts > Booking Chart in RMS.

    Select the 'Options' icon.

    Select the toggle 'Reposition Chart to Edited Reservation'.

    Select 'Save/Exit' to store the changes made.

    Selecting 'Save/Exit' on a reservation opened from the Booking Chart will cause the Booking Chart to navigate to the Arrive Date of the reservation as the first date displayed on the chart.

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