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    FreedomPay FCC Integration

    Setup FreedomPay to use EFTPOS terminals with FreedomPay as the Payment Gateway in RMS.

    Connecting FreedomPay as the Payment Gateway in RMS using FreedomPay's Direct to Freeway Integration and FCC Integration enables secure payment processing through the Guest Portal and RMS Internet Booking Engine as well as card present and card not present transactions in RMS using the connected pinpad EFTPOS terminal.

    Payment information and payment processing occurs securely in Freeway with encrypted data sent back to RMS. Payments and Credit Card Tokens created using the connected EFTPOS terminal uses FreedomPay's middleware application (FCC Client) to transfer encrypted data between the terminal, Freeway and RMS as shown in the diagram below.

    Windows FCC Integration Data Flow:

    1: RMS (POS) sends POSRequest to FCC Server Service
    2: FCC Server engages send POSRequest to FCC Client
    3: FCC Client engages Point of Input (EFTPOS Machine)
    4: Point of Input (EFTPOS Machine) sends Response to FCC Client
    5: FCC Client sends Response to Freeway
    6: Freeway send Response back to FCC Client
    7: FCC Client passed Response to FCC Server
    8: FCC Server sends Response to RMS (POS)

    Note: Follow-up transactions use Direct to Freeway including Receipt Existing Token (Capture Sale against Token) and Receipt Existing Pre-Auth Token (Capture Sale against Pre-Auth).

    To complete the connection to FreedomPay in RMS the property's FreedomPay Store ID and Terminal ID supplied by FreedomPay's boarding team will be required as well as generating an Enhanced Security Key and DMP Activation Key in FreedomPay's Enterprise Portal.

    FreedomPay is a Payment Gateway available to customers in the United States.

    System Administrators will require Security Profile access in RMS to complete this setup.

    A Network Administrator is required to complete Port Forwarding on the router as part of this setup.

    FreedomPay Enhanced Security Key

    To create an Enhanced Security Key for connecting to FreedomPay in RMS have your System Administrator complete the following.

    Log into FreedomPay's Enterprise Portal using the property's Enterprise Code, Username and Password provided by the FreedomPay boarding team and select 'Login'.

    Navigate to 'Administration' in the Toolbar Menu and select 'Enhanced Security Keys'.

    Select 'Create New'.

    Enter a Description.

    Select 'Create'.

    Select the  'Copy' icon and safely store the copied Enhanced Security Key for RMS Setup.

    FreedomPay Device Management Portal Activation Key

    A Device Management Portal (DMP) Activation Key and FCC Client is required for each network that will be using the connection to FreedomPay in RMS with EFTPOS terminals.

    Log into FreedomPay's Enterprise Portal using the property's Enterprise Code, Username and Password provided by the FreedomPay boarding team and select 'Login'.

    Navigate to 'Device Management' in the Toolbar Menu and select 'Activation Keys'.

    Select 'Generate'.

    Select the  'Copy' button and securely store the generated DMP Activation Key for setup of the FCC Client.

    Network Information

    A network administrator is required to complete port forwarding on the local network router to Port 1011 for HTTP or 1013 for HTTPS and provide a static IP address for the connected EFTPOS terminal which will be used as the FCC Server URL in RMS.

    The following endpoints apply to FreedomPay's Windows FCC integration.

    Windows FCC

    FCC Client

    Download the FCC Client zip file and extract onto a Windows computer on the same network as the EFTPOS terminals.

    Locate the CONFIG file labeled ‘FreewayServerService’ in the extracted folder and choose 'Open With' notepad or a similar text editing application.

    Edit the floorLimit value between the quotation marks to “0” in the text document.

    Save the changes made and close the XML file.

    Locate the XML file labelled 'LaneConfig' in the extracted folder and choose 'Open With' notepad or a similar text editing application.

    Enter the EFTPOS Terminal's serial number between the quotation marks in the text document.

    Save the changes made and close the XML file.

    Connect the EFTPOS terminal to an RMS workstation using the provided USB cable.

    Right click the 'FreewayCommerceConnect' application in the extracted folder and choose 'Run as Administrator'.

    Follow the onscreen prompts from Windows and choose 'Run Anyway'.

    Select 'Next' on the FreedomPay installer.

    Enter the Device Management Portal Activation URL.

    The URL will default to the 'Production' URL. To switch to UAT use the replace the Production URL with the UAT URL below.

    UAT Production

    Enter the Device Management Portal Activation Key generated in the FreedomPay Enterprise Portal and choose 'Next'.

    Select 'Custom' Setup Type.

    Select the following setup options and follow the on screen prompts to finish installation.

    This Freeway application will act as a conduit between the EFTPOS terminal, Freeway and RMS once installed.

    UAT & Production

    To switch between the FreedomPay UAT and FreedomPay Production environments follow the instructions below.

    To switch to the FreedomPay UAT environment select the checkbox 'FCC Test Client' in the Custom Setup below. 

    The FCC Client can be toggled between UAT and Production by opening the FCC Client and selecting 'Configure' after the initial installation is completed.

    Replace the Device Management Portal URL to use the URL for the required FreedomPay environment using the below URLs.

    UAT Production

    Locate the CONFIG file labelled 'FreewayServerService.exe.config' in the extracted folder and choose 'Open With' notepad or a similar text editing application.

    The default file path for the configuration files to be modified is: C:\Program Files (x86)\FreedomPay\FreewayCommerceConnect. 

    Replace with to switch from UAT to Production.

    Replace <add key="cardStorUrl" value="" /> with <add key="cardStorUrl" value="" /> to switch from UAT to Production environment.

    Save the changes made and close the CONFIG file.

    Locate the CONFIG file labelled 'FreewayClientService.exe.config' in the extracted folder and choose 'Open With' notepad or a similar text editing application.

    The default file path for the configuration files to be modified is: C:\Program Files (x86)\FreedomPay\FreewayCommerceConnect. 

    Replace <add key="freewayServer" value="" /> with <add key="freewayServer" value="" /> to switch from UAT to Production.

    Replace <add key="cardStorUrl" value="" /> with <add key="cardStorUrl" value="" /> to switch from UAT to Production.

    Save the changes and close the CONFIG file.

    PAL Package Update

    Download the Lane7000 PAL Update and complete the steps outlined in PAL Package Deployment Guide v2.0.pdf to update the EFTPOS terminal after it has been connected.

    Setup Payment Gateway in RMS

    Have your System Administrator complete the following.

    Go to Setup > Property Options > Property Information in RMS.

    Select the  'Edit' icon on an existing Property.

    Navigate to the 'Payment Gateway' tab.

    Select the toggle 'Ecommerce Online Payment Gateway'.

    Select 'FreedomPay' as the Payment Gateway.

    Enter the ESKey (FreedomPay Enhanced Security Key), Store ID and Terminal ID.

    Select a Pre Authorisation option.

    Optional: Select the checkbox 'Warn if no Pre-Authorisation exists on Check-in'.

    Select the toggle 'EFTPOS Terminal Payment Gateway'.

    Select the Payment Gateway as 'Freedom Pay'.

    Enter the FCC Server URL.

    The FCC Server URL is the IP address for the connected EFTPOS terminal (ending in 1011 for HTTP or 1013 for HTTPS).

    Optional: Select the checkbox 'Allow Blind Refunds'.

    Select  'Save/Exit' to store the changes made in RMS.

    Navigate to Setup > Lookup Tables > EFTPOS (Pymt Gateway) in RMS.

    Select the  'Add' icon.

    Select a Property and enter a Description to identify this EFTPOS terminal.

    Select 'Save/Exit' to store the changes made and leave the setup.

    This EFTPOS terminal will be available for selection on the Receipt and Refund screens in RMS enabling card present and card not present transactions in addition to Credit Card Token creation using the selected terminal.

    Selecting 'Process' on the Receipt screen will prompt for card information on the connected EFTPOS terminal.

    Support & Troubleshooting

    Responses sent from Freeway for transactions will be displayed in RMS as shown below.

    For a full list of response messages that can be received refer to section one and section two in FreedomPay's document ErrorCodes v6.0.pdf.

    For assistance with using FreedomPay as the Payment Gateway in RMS customers can log a Service Request to contact RMS Support.

    FreedomPay can use the RMS Partner Portal to contact RMS Support and track outstanding tickets with RMS.

     RMS Customer Support may escalate a reported issue to FreedomPay using the below information.

    When the need arises to contact FreedomPay Tech Support, you can do so via phone or email. These lines are available 24/7 to handle your issues, and their contact information can be found below:

    Phone: 888.495.2446 (US) / +44-2030148966 (UK)


    Status Page:

    When contacting Tech Support, it is important to ensure that you have gathered the pertinent information that our tech support will need to diagnose and resolve your problem. Commonly required items are:

    • Name of POS and Integration Type (Windows FCC, HPC, HPP, Direct to Freeway etc.)

    • FCC Logs (if applicable)

    • RequestIDs (if available)

    • Whatever error code(s) you are receiving

    • A clear description of what you are doing and what is happening

    • Confirmation that you have completed the steps outlined in your L1 Troubleshooting guide

    With the above steps being completed, our tech support will review your issue and assign your issue a priority level. This level will be primarily determined by how much your particular issue impacts your business and whether you are still able to function in production with this issue around.

    You can find a description of the severity levels below:

    • P1: A problem that severely impacts your use of the software in a production environment (such as loss of production data or in which your production systems are not functioning). The situation halts your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.

    Time to response: 30 Minutes

    • P2: A problem where the software is functioning but use in a production environment is severely reduced. The situation is causing a high impact to portions of your business operations and no procedural workaround or a non-ideal workaround exists.

    Time to response: 2-4 hours

    • P3: A problem that involves partial, non-critical loss of use of the software in a production environment. For production environments, there is a medium-to-low impact on your business, but your business continues to function, including by using a procedural workaround.

    Time to response: 48 hours

    • P4: A general usage question, reporting question, trivial error, or recommendation for a future product enhancement or modification. For production environments, there is low- to-no impact on your business or the performance or functionality of your system, including by using a procedural workaround.

    Time to response: 72 hours

    Please bear in mind that the best way to assist FreedomPay tech support is to ensure that you have obtained as much information about the issue as you are able and that you have already gone through your internal tech support process, in which you confirmed that the issue lies with FreedomPay.

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