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    Reverse a Refund

    Reversing an incorrectly processed refund in RMS.

    Steps Required

    1. Go to Accounting > Quick Account Access in RMS.
    2. Enter the Account Number and select 'Go to Account'.
    3. Select the Refund Transaction.
    4. Select 'Corrections' and choose 'Reverse Refund'.
    5. Select the Reason and choose 'Reverse Refund'.


    The Reverse Refund function is only available for refunds processed on the current accounting date with a payment method not processed by a payment gateway.

    See Manually Reverse a Refund for refunds not meeting the above criteria.

    Visual Guide

    Go to Accounting > Quick Account Access in RMS.

    Enter the Account Number and select 'Go to Account'.

    Select the Refund Transaction.

    Select 'Corrections' and choose 'Reverse Refund'.

    Select the Reason and choose 'Reverse Refund'.

    The refund will now be automatically reversed off the account in RMS.

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