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    Scheduled Reports

    Automate sending reports using preselected options in RMS.

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    Scheduled Reports enable automated sending of reports using preselected options.

    • Information
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    Scheduled Reports enable automated sending of reports using preselected options.

    Users will have the ability to select the build options for the report, set a frequency to send and the Users or Security Profiles to send the report to.

    Each scheduled report will send as an individual email to all selected users.

    Emailed reports will include the Property Name & Schedule Name in the email subject line.

    Enterprise Users can schedule a report for any combination of properties they have access to on their Security Profile.

    Properties with access to multiple RMS Environments will receive the Scheduled Reports from the environment with the latest available version. Eg. Beta.

    Selecting a specific date on a Schedule instead of using a Date Range button will result in the scheduled report always sending for the specified date.

    Scheduled Reports will send even if there is no data to display in the report for the selected build options.

    A Scheduled Report Notification will be sent to the user that created the schedule 90 days after the schedule is created or 90 days after a schedule is renewed to verify the Scheduled Report is still required.

    Scheduled Reports are sent from and will include the Property Name & Schedule Name in the email subject line.

    Reports emailed by a user in RMS are sent from

    If the email address on a User included in a Scheduled Report is invalid or received a hard bounce from the mail server the User will be removed from the Scheduled Report. If the User with the invalid email is the only recipient of the Scheduled Report the schedule will be set to inactive.

    If additional Categories have been added since the report schedule was created, they can be added to the schedule.

    Users will require Security Profile access to use this feature.

    • Use
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    1. Go to Reports > {Report Menu} > {Report Name}
    2. Select the Date Option.
    3. Select the Report Options.
    4. Select 'Schedule'.
    5. Enter the Schedule Name.
    6. Select the Schedule Start Date.
    7. Select the Schedule Send Time and Time Zone.
    8. Select the Export Option.
    9. Select the Schedule Frequency.
    10. Select the required RMS Users or Security Groups.
    11. Save.

    Select a Date Option from the preset buttons to create a scheduled report with a rolling date. Selecting a set date on the calendar will create a scheduled report that always reports on the date selected.

    Scheduled Reports are sent from and will include the Property Name & Schedule Name in the email subject line.

    Reports emailed by a user in RMS are sent from

    If the email address on a User included in a Scheduled Report is invalid or received a hard bounce from the mail server the User will be removed from the Scheduled Report. If the User with the invalid email is the only recipient of the Scheduled Report the schedule will be set to inactive.

    Scheduled Reports can be viewed, modified or deleted by navigating to Reports > Scheduled Reports.

    • Guide
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    Go to Reports > {Report Menu} > {Report Name}.

    Select the Date Option.

    Select the Report Options.

    Select 'Schedule'.

    Enter the Schedule Name.

    Select the Schedule Start Date.

    Select the Schedule Send Time and Time Zone.

    Select the Export Option.

    Select the Schedule Frequency.

    Select the required RMS Users or Security Groups.

    Select 'Save' to create the Scheduled Report.

    Scheduled Reports can be viewed, modified or deleted by navigating to Reports > Scheduled Reports.


    1. Go to Reports > {Report Menu} > {Report Name} in RMS.
    2. Select the Date Option.
    3. Select the Report Options.
    4. Select 'Schedule'.
    5. Enter the Schedule Name.
    6. Select the Schedule Start Date.
    7. Select the Schedule Send Time and Time Zone.
    8. Select the Export Option.
    9. Select the Schedule Frequency.
    10. Select the required RMS Users or Security Groups.
    11. Save.

    Select a Date Option from the preset buttons to create a scheduled report with a rolling date. Selecting a set date on the calendar will create a scheduled report that always reports on the date selected.

    Scheduled Reports are sent from and will include the Property Name & Schedule Name in the email subject line.

    Reports emailed by a user in RMS are sent from

    If the email address on a User included in a Scheduled Report is invalid or received a hard bounce from the mail server the User will be removed from the Scheduled Report. If the User with the invalid email is the only recipient of the Scheduled Report the schedule will be set to inactive.

    Scheduled Reports can be viewed, modified or deleted by navigating to Reports > Scheduled Reports in RMS.

    • Guide
    • Add Button


    Go to Reports > {Report Menu} > {Report Name} in RMS.

    Select the Date Option.

    Select the Report Options.

    Select 'Schedule'.

    Enter the Schedule Name.

    Select the Schedule Start Date.

    Select the Schedule Send Time and Time Zone.

    Select the Export Option.

    Select the Schedule Frequency.

    Select the required RMS Users or Security Groups.

    Select 'Save' to create the Scheduled Report.

    Scheduled Reports can be viewed, modified or deleted by navigating to Reports > Scheduled Reports in RMS.

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