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    Dynamic Surcharging

    Dynamic Surcharging for RMS Pay


    Dynamic Surcharging for RMS Pay allows you to apply a variable surcharge to RMS Pay transactions based on the card variants.   

    These variants are:

    • Region
      • Domestic 
      • International  
    • Card Scheme 
      • Visa 
      • Mastercard 
      • AMEX 
      • JBC 
      • Union Pay 
      • Diners 
    • Card Level/Variant (Not available for Terminals) 
      • Standard 
      • Premium 
    • Funding Source 
      • Debit 
      • Credit


    These fees are automatically passed on when a payment is made via:  

    • Online Form Payments (E-Comm) - 9+ Credit Card Payments, Rest API, and anywhere that shells out to the Online Form 
    • Tokens saved in RMS 9+ 
    • Terminal Payments (Credit Card Machines / EFTPOS)  

    Dynamic Surcharging is not applied to payments received via RMS Pay - Pay By Links 


    Important Note:

    To use Dynamic Surcharging, you must have activated RMS Pay, as Dynamic Surcharging is only a function of RMS Pay.  


    Key Features

    The following key features are available when using Dynamic Surcharging in RMS Pay.

    • Charge a different amount for transaction fees based on the different card qualities. 
    • Transaction fees are automatically calculated and applied when the Payment Card is Presented.   

    Pre Setup Checks

    Check these items to ensure that you are ready for Dynamic Surcharging

    GL Acc Codes

    Setup > Accounting > GL Acc Codes 

    You will need to Create a General Ledger Account Code (GL Acc Code) for the Credit Card Transaction Fees.  

    Only one GL Acc Code can be used for the Transaction Fees.  

    You do not have to create a new GL Account Code if you have one already. 


    Credit Cards

    Setup > Accounting > Credit Cards 

    You will need to ensure that all Credit Card Types that you accept have been created in the Credit Card setup.  

    RMS Pay can only be configured for the card types outlined in your RMS Pay Agreement.  


    Please Note

    The Setup option for Transaction Fees in the Credit Card Setup is ignored when Dynamic Pricing is activated. Therefore, no setup for Transaction Fees is required.  


    Dynamic Surcharging Setup

    Have your System Administrator complete the following in RMS.

    Go to:

    1. Setup > Accounting > RMS Pay > Dynamic Surcharging 
    2. Select > “Enable Dynamic Surcharging”  
    3. Select > “GL Acc Code” for the Credit Card Transaction Fees.  

    Dynamic Surcharging is set up in 2 sections. 

    1. E-Commerce Online Payments 
    2. EFTPOS Machine Terminal Payments 

    E-Commerce Online Payments

    E-commerce is broken into three sections that allow for different surcharges for each section.  

    1. Visa 
    2. Mastercard 
    3. Other Cards

    This charging structure will apply to all E-Commerce transactions that are performed through the Online Payment Form.  

    • Eg, 9+ Credit Card Payments, Rest API and anywhere else that shells out to the Online Payment Form. 

    E-Commerce has four levels of fees for Visa and Mastercard, and they are:  

    • Card Scheme 
    • Region
    • Funding Source
    • Card Level/Variant  

    When a card is presented, this surcharge structure flow is used.  

    To set a surcharge, for Visa and Mastercard, a flat percentage % surcharge can be applied by adding in a percentage value next to each.  

    If a more dynamic surcharge is required, select “Add Level” to expose each level. Each level exposed is in the order of Card Scheme > Region > Funding Source > Card Level/Variant  

    Selecting “Add Level” will expose the next level of Dynamic Surcharging.  

    The “Other Cards” only have the option of a flat percentage % surcharge.

    Note: If a field is left blank, RMS will not charge a Transaction fee for this card configuration. 

    For suggested surcharge percentage values, please check your RMS Pay Agreement.  

    Credit Card/EFTPOS Terminal Payments

    Please Note that the Lable of this section will be the label you have created in the Label setup and may look different to what you see here.  

    EFTPOS/Credit Card Terminal Payments is broken into three sections that allow for charging a different surcharge for each section.  

    • Visa 
    • Mastercard 
    • Other Cards  

    EFTPOS/Credit Card machines have three levels for fees, and they are: 

    • Region  
    • Card Scheme 
    • Funding Source 
      • Credit Card/EFTPOS Terminal Payments do not recognise the card variants of Premium and Standard. 

    To set a surcharge for Visa, Mastercard, and Others, apply the relevant surcharge percentage % vale in each field.  

    Note: If a field is left blank, RMS will not charge a Transaction fee for this card configuration.  

    When completed, Select “Save”. 

    Once saved, the new Dynamic Surcharging fees will become active for E-Commerce Online Payments.  



    For RMS Pay Terminals, you will need to Update it and then Restart it for the new setting to take affect.  

    To Update the Configuration:

    1. Access Admin & Settings by pressing “9” and then Confirm (green key).
    2. Select Config.
    3. Enter your passcode and confirm with the green key.
    4. Select the Update button.

    To Restart the Terminal After Update:

    1. Go to Admin & Settings.
    2. Select Power.
    3. Enter your passcode and confirm with the green key.
    4. Select Restart.
    5. When prompted with “Restart Application,” select Yes.

    How to Use

    There are three ways to perform an RMS Pay Receipt. 

    1. Online Form Payments (E-Commerce).  
      This includes RMS:
      1. 9+ Credit Card Payments 
      2. Rest API 
      3. And anywhere that shells out to the Online Form  
    2. Tokens in RMS 9+   
    3. RMS Pay Credit Card/EFTOPS Terminals  

    Online Form Payments

    When an Online Form is used, the surcharge is automatically added to the Charge.  

    With a Domestic Visa Credit Card (as pictured above), a charge of $100 will show the amount to be paid as $103.

    The surcharge amount is not displayed separately.  



    When using an Existing Token in RMS 9+, the surcharge from the E-Commerce Online Payment setup can be added to the Charge.  

    The surcharge amount is displayed in the Existing Token Fee line above the Total Charge. 


    Credit Card/EFTPOS Terminals

    When using a Credit Card/EFTPOS terminal, the fee from the Terminal Payments is used.

    The initial Receipt amount is entered into the Terminal 

    After the Card is presented to the Terminal, a second screen is displayed showing the Total Charge and Transaction Fee for Confirmation.  

    And when this is "Confirmed", the total amount is presented to pay. 


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