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    Reservation Package Override

    Override the Rate Package on a Reservation in RMS.

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    A Rate Package can be overridden on the Reservation to change the fees or inclusions of the Packaged Rate.

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    A Rate Package can be overridden on the Reservation to change the fees or inclusions of the Packaged Rate.

    A Rate Package is a Sundry Charge bundle that will be created on the Reservation Account with the Rate and can be setup as a Rate Type Package, Rate Table Package or Derived Rate Type Package.

    The Manual Package Override enables adding, editing or removing Package Components on the Reservation.

    The 'Package Template' icon enables selecting a Package to add the Sundry Charge bundle into the Rate Package on the Reservation.


    Overriding an Inclusive Package on the Reservation to a value higher than the Base Rate will set the Base Rate and any Rate Adjustments including Dynamic Pricing, Derived Rate Adjustments and Additionals to 0.00 and use the Package Override Amount as the Rate Amount on the Reservation Account.

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    1. Go to the Toolbar Menu Reservation Search in RMS.
    2. Enter a Guest Name or Reservation Number and press 'Enter'.
    3. Select the underlined Package text on the 'Package' field.
    4. Select the 'Manually Override Package' icon.
    5. Add Package Component.
      1. Select the 'Add' icon.
      2. Select a Sundry Charge.
      3. Select the Package Options.
      4. Select a Fee Structure and enter the Package Component Price.
      5. Select the Apply Charge options.
      6. Save/Exit.
    6. Edit Package Component.
      1. Select an existing Package Component and choose the 'Edit' icon.
      2. Optional: Select a Sundry Charge.
      3. Optional: Select the Package Options.
      4. Optional: Select a Fee Structure and enter the Package Component Price.
      5. Optional: Select the Apply Charge options.
      6. Save/Exit.
    7. Remove Package Component.
      1. Select an existing Package Component and choose the 'Delete' icon.
    8. Exit.
    9. Save/Exit.


    Use the  'Reset to System Defaults' icon to revert the Package to use the Rate Package setup.

    A Rate Package that has been overridden will display in red on the Reservation.

    Overriding an Inclusive Package on the Reservation to a value higher than the Base Rate will set the Base Rate to 0.00 and use the Package Override Amount as the Rate Amount on the Reservation Account.

    The 'Package Template' icon enables selecting a Package to add the Sundry Charge bundle into the Rate Package on the Reservation.

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    Users will require Security Profile access to use this feature.

    Go to the Toolbar Menu Reservation Search in RMS.

    Enter a Guest Name or Reservation Number and press 'Enter'.

    Select the underlined Package text on the 'Package' field.

    Select the  'Manually Override Package' icon.

    Add Package Component.

    Select the  'Add' icon.

    Select a Sundry Charge.

    Select the Package Options.

    Select a Fee Structure and enter the Package Component Price.

    Select the Apply Charge options.

    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and return to Package Information.

    Edit Package Component.

    Select an existing Package Component and choose the  'Edit' icon.

    Optional: Select a Sundry Charge.

    Optional: Select the Package Options.

    Optional: Select a Fee Structure and enter the Package Component Price.

    Optional: Select the Apply Charge options.

    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made return to Package Information.

    Remove Package Component.

    Select an existing Package Component and choose the  'Delete' icon.

    Select the  'Exit' icon to leave the Package Information.

    A Rate Package that has been overridden will display in red on the Reservation.

    Select the 'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and leave the Reservation.


    1. Go to the Toolbar Menu Reservation Search in RMS.
    2. Enter a Guest Name or Reservation Number and press 'Enter'.
    3. Select the underlined Package text on the 'Package' field.
    4. Select the 'Manually Override Package' icon.
    5. Add Package Component.
      1. Select the 'Add' icon.
      2. Select a Sundry Charge.
      3. Select the Package Options.
      4. Select a Fee Structure and enter the Package Component Price.
      5. Select the Apply Charge options.
      6. Save/Exit.
    6. Edit Package Component.
      1. Select an existing Package Component and choose the 'Edit' icon.
      2. Optional: Select a Sundry Charge.
      3. Optional: Select the Package Options.
      4. Optional: Select a Fee Structure and enter the Package Component Price.
      5. Optional: Select the Apply Charge options.
      6. Save/Exit.
    7. Remove Package Component.
      1. Select an existing Package Component and choose the 'Delete' icon.
    8. Exit.
    9. Save/Exit.


    Use the  'Reset to System Defaults' icon to revert the Package to use the Rate Package setup.

    A Rate Package that has been overridden will display in red on the Reservation.

    Overriding an Inclusive Package on the Reservation to a value higher than the Base Rate will set the Base Rate to 0.00 and use the Package Override Amount as the Rate Amount on the Reservation Account.

    The 'Package Template' icon enables selecting a Package to add the Sundry Charge bundle into the Rate Package on the Reservation.

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    Users will require Security Profile access to use this feature.

    Go to the Toolbar Menu Reservation Search in RMS.

    Enter a Guest Name or Reservation Number and press 'Enter'.

    Select the underlined Package text on the 'Package' field.

    Select the  'Manually Override Package' icon.

    Add Package Component.

    Select the  'Add' icon.

    Select a Sundry Charge.

    Select the Package Options.

    Select a Fee Structure and enter the Package Component Price.

    Select the Apply Charge options.

    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and return to Package Information.

    Edit Package Component.

    Select an existing Package Component and choose the  'Edit' icon.

    Optional: Select a Sundry Charge.

    Optional: Select the Package Options.

    Optional: Select a Fee Structure and enter the Package Component Price.

    Optional: Select the Apply Charge options.

    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made return to Package Information.

    Remove Package Component.

    Select an existing Package Component and choose the  'Delete' icon.

    Select the  'Exit' icon to leave the Package Information.

    A Rate Package that has been overridden will display in red on the Reservation.

    Select the 'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and leave the Reservation.

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