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    A complete overview of rate setup and features available in RMS.

    Rates determine the pricing structures, restrictions, and validation criteria for reservations in RMS and any connected channels.

    Many configuration options are available for creating all rates, including standalone, linked, and packaged. Fee structures for rates can be determined per hour, day, night, or guest with variations to accommodate long stays and additional guests. 

    The rate set up as the 'Best Available Rate' becomes the foundation rate that can be used for the first Derived Rate or seen on the collapsed view of the Rate Manager and when using the 'Show Rate Amounts' feature on the Booking Chart.

    Derived Rates minimise setup and maintenance by determining their pricing using the linked rate and preset adjustment amount. At least one standalone rate must be set up to create the first link in the chain, even if the remainder of the Derived Rates will be linked to other Derived Rates.

    Dynamic Pricing is a feature available on standalone rates to fluctuate values based on preset occupancy and time calculations automatically.

    Multiple Best Available Rates is an alternate rate configuration that enables setting up multiple price points that can be toggled between as the active best available rate for a date or date range.

    Standalone Rate Components

    A standalone rate comprises four components that determine the rate's name and charge description, availability period, and fee structure. Using a Rate Lookup, these three primary components are connected with a category or area to make the rate available for use in RMS.

    A rate will not be available in RMS if no Rate Lookup exists for the category, area, and date viewed. 

    The many additional rate elements, including length of stay restrictions, deposit rules, packages, dynamic pricing, additional guest fees, extra charges, and alternate housekeeping tasks, can be set up on multiple layers of rate components. The Rate Hierarchy determines which element will apply to a reservation when multiple layers of the same element exist within a single Rate Lookup.


    Rate Components

    The Rate Type determines the rate's name, charge description, structure, and validation criteria.

    The Rate Period defines the date range of availability to use the rate and includes options to override certain validation criteria from the Rate Type.

    The Rate Table contains all the fee structures and pricing information for a rate, including how it will be calculated, length of stay restrictions, additional guest fees, dynamic pricing rules, and package components.

    The Rate Lookup links a Rate Type, Rate Period, and Rate Table to a category or area to create a standalone rate in RMS.

    Rate Structures

    The two rate structures of 'OTA' and 'Direct' will determine the fee calculation options available on the rate table and which channel connections the rate can be used with.

    A Rate Type and Rate Table can only be connected in a Rate Lookup when set up in the same rate structure.


    The 'OTA' rate structure has limited fee calculation options available on the Rate Table to remain compatible with all available connections in the RMS Channel Manager

    Online Travel Agents broadly only accept per-period rates for a defined value (price per date), which is reflected in the available options on the Rate Table when using the 'OTA' rate structure.

    Some available channel connections will also accept an extended stay fee structure, and this option is also available on a Rate Table set up as the 'OTA' rate structure.


    The 'Direct' rate structure is the most flexible for available fee structures on the Rate Table and can be used within RMS, on the RMS Internet Booking Engine, and with limited channel connections. The third-party determines the types of rates their channel will accept, which can be viewed in the channel's connection information article in the Help Centre.

    Best Available Rate

    At least one standalone rate must be set up and selected as the 'Best Available Rate' in RMS.

    The best available rate defines the property's primary rate and can be used for the best available rate, rack rate, lowest available rate, or best-unrestricted rate. The 'Best Available Rate' setting in RMS will identify that rate as the key rate at the property.

    The rate set up as the 'Best Available Rate' will display the starting rate for a category on the minimised view of the Rate Manager or the Booking Chart and Quick Quote.


    Multiple Best Available Rates

    Multiple Best Available Rates (Multi-BAR) is an alternative rate configuration feature that can create multiple price points set as the 'Best Available Rate'. These price points can be toggled as the active best available rate for a date or date range to change the starting rate at the property using the preset price points.

    Derived Rates linked to Multi-BAR will alter their pricing using the preset adjustment amount and whichever price point is the active best available rate for the date or date range viewed.

    Rate Table Formats

    The Rate Structure selected on the Rate Table will change which calculation options are available, with each format including one or more 'Based On' options to further customise how the entered rate values will be calculated on a reservation.

    The following Rate Formats are available on a Rate Table in RMS:


    The 'Daily' Rate Format is only available when the Rate Structure is set to 'Direct' and includes the 'Based On' options of Day of the Week, Number of Days, and Per Day. Daily rates count each date's reservation stay period from midnight to midnight, calculating these periods using the selected 'Based On' option.

    Day of the Week

    A daily rate based on the day of the week will be calculated using the specific day on which each reservation stay date falls with the ability to charge a different amount for the check-out day is included.


    Using the above Rate Table, a reservation arriving on Thursday and departing on Sunday will pay the following rate amounts:

    Thursday (Arrival Day) - $100

    Friday -  $150

    Saturday - $150

    Sunday (Departure Day) - $50

    Total Rate: $450

    Number of Days

    A daily rate based on the number of days will use the reservation's length of stay to determine the rate amount for each reservation stay date.


    Using the above Rate Table, a reservation staying three days will pay $180 per day, while a reservation staying seven days will pay $120 per day.

    Per Day

    A daily rate based on each day will be calculated using the value entered for each reservation stay date.


    Using the above Rate Table, a reservation staying four days and departing on the fifth will pay the following rate amounts:

    Arrival Day - $250

    Day Two - $200

    Day Three - $150

    Day Four - $100

    Departure Day - $30


    Extended Stay

    The 'Extended Stay' Rate format is available for the 'OTA' and 'Direct' Rate Structures. The 'Direct' Rate Structure will include the 'Based On' options of Night of the Week or Per Night, whilst the 'OTA' Rate Structure can only be set up as Night of the Week.

    Extended stay rates provide greater flexibility for longer-term reservations, using a combination of nightly, weekly, and monthly rate values to calculate the amount due for a reservation.

    A cap on the number of cycles a weekly or monthly rate applies can be set and once reached, the reservation will use the Best Available Rate for any additional reservation stay dates.

    The 'Extended Stay' Rate Table can be used to set up a weekly or monthly rate or to create a single rate that accommodates short and long stays by utilising all three sections.

    The below examples of different lengths of stay demonstrate how the rate will be calculated using the above Rate Table.


    A reservation for six nights or less will use the 'Nightly' rate amounts entered on the Extended Stay Rate Table.


    A seven-night reservation will use the weekly rate instead of the nightly rate.

    This weekly rate will be used for each seven-night block of the reservation.


    The weekly rate amount will only apply to each seven-night block. The above example calculates the rate using 1 x Weekly Rate + 1 x Nightly Rate for the eight-night reservation.


    A fourteen, twenty-one, or twenty-eight-night reservation will multiply the weekly rate by each block of seven days.

    Above, 4 x Weekly Rate = $5,680.


    The monthly rate applies for each calendar month, from the first of one month to the first of the following month.


    Any reservation stay date above the calendar month will use the nightly and/or weekly rate amounts for the remaining reservation dates.

    Above 1 x Monthly Rate + 1 x Nightly Rate = $5,755.

    Below 1 x Monthly Rate + 2 x Weekly Rate = $8,370.

    If the nightly, weekly, or monthly rate amounts are not set, they will be skipped during the calculation once a reservation reaches that length of stay, and the next available block will be used instead.

    Weekly and monthly rates are divided evenly across the reservation stay dates, which will affect the individual transactions when using the nightly rate and the allocated revenue per reservation stay date.

    Setting a cap on the number of cycles a weekly or monthly block can be used will revert to the Best Available Rate for all additional reservation stay dates once that cap is reached.



    The 'Hourly' Rate Format is only available with the 'Direct' Rate Structure and does not include any alternative 'Based On' options. The rate amount for a reservation will be calculated per hour using the values entered on the Rate Table with options to set a flat hourly rate after ten hours or loop back to begin at the first hourly rate after a set number of hours is reached.


    Using the above Rate Table, a reservation staying six hours will pay $425 total based on the following calculation:

    First Hour - $100

    Second Hour - $75

    Third Hour - $70

    Fourth Hour - $65

    Fifth Hour - $60

    Sixth Hour - $55

    Total Rate: $425


    Using the above Rate Table, a twelve-hour reservation will pay $1,100 total (10 x $100 + 2 x $50).


    Using the above Rate Table looping back after five hours, a six-hour reservation will pay $515 using the following calculation:

    First Hour - $100

    Second Hour - $85

    Third Hour - $85

    Fourth Hour - $85

    Fifth Hour - $60

    Sixth Hour (Loops back to First Hour Price) - $100

    Total Rate: $515

    An eight-hour reservation will pay $685 using the following calculation:

    First Hour - $100

    Second Hour - $85

    Third Hour - $85

    Fourth Hour - $85

    Fifth Hour - $60

    Sixth Hour (Loops back to First Hour Price) - $100

    Seventh Hour - $85

    Eighth Hour - $85

    Total Rate: $685



    The 'Nightly' Rate Format is available for the 'OTA' and 'Direct' Rate Structures. The 'Direct' Rate Structure includes the 'Based On' options of Night of the Week, Number of Nights, and Per Night, whilst the 'OTA' Rate Structure can only be calculated using the Night of the Week option.

    Unlike daily rates, nightly rates calculate each reservation stay date from the check-in time on the arrival date to the check-out time of the following date to determine the length of stay.

    Night of the Week

    A nightly rate based on the day of the week will be calculated using the specific day on which each reservation stay date falls.


    Using the above Rate Table, a reservation arriving on Thursday and departing on Sunday will pay the following rate amounts:

    Thursday (Arrival Day) - $775

    Friday - $825

    Saturday - $825

    Total Rate: $2,425

    Number of Nights

    A nightly rate based on the number of nights will use the reservation's length of stay to determine the rate amount for each reservation stay date.


    Using the above Rate Table, a reservation stay four nights will pay $725 per night whilst a reservation staying seven nights will pay $650 per night.

    Per Night

    A nightly rate based on each night will be calculated using the value entered for each reservation stay date.


    Using the above Rate Table, a reservation staying four nights will pay the following:

    First Night (Arrival Day) - $820 

    Second Night - $775

    Third Night - $750

    Fourth Night - $725

    Total Rate: $3,070


    Per Guest

    The 'Per Guest' Rate Format is only available with the 'Direct' Rate Structure and will calculate the rate amounts per reservation stay date based on the number of adults and children entered as guests.


    Using the above Rate Table, a three-night reservation with two adults and one child will pay $405 per night for a total of $1,215.


    Rate Table Naming Conventions

    A systematic formula for naming all rate components in RMS will streamline rate setup by keeping everything neatly together and making it easier to find. It will also simplify future rate maintenance, making rate setup in RMS far easier to manage.

    The naming conventions used for rate components are ultimately up to you, and the most crucial element is to keep them consistent throughout.

    Below are some naming conventions that can easily be used for Rate Tables to organise and identify them in RMS.


    YYYY - Period - Rate Type - Category (2024 - PEAK - BAR - Acacia Cabin)

    YYYY Rate Type - Period - Category (2024 - BAR - PEAK - Acacia Cabin)

    YYYY - Category - Rate Type - Period (2024 - Acacia Cabin - BAR - PEAK)

    YYYY - Property - Period - Rate Type - Category (2024 - The Lake House - OFF PEAK - S4P3 - Lake Cabin)

    YYYY - Property - Rate Type - Period - Category (2024 - The Lake House - RACK - HIGH - Lake Cabin)

    YYYY - Property - Category - Rate Type - Period (2024 - The Lake House - Lake Cabin - BAR - PEAK)

    YYYY - Rate Type - Category (2024 - Long Term - Rental Cabins)

    Rate Hierarchy

    Rates determine the pricing applied to a reservation and can be set up with many rules and validation conditions on multiple layers of the rate setup.

    The Rate Hierarchy determines the order in which these rules and validation criteria apply to a reservation.

    Each rate rule or validation criteria type has its hierarchy, determining which element is in effect when the same element exists on multiple layers of the rate setup.

    Existing rules and validation criteria can also be manually overridden on a reservation or globally overridden using the Control Panel and available features on the Rate Manager.


    Changes to the existing rate setup will only apply to new reservations created after the changes are saved, on rate recalculation for existing reservations, or if the Recalculate Future Rates tool is run.

    Rate Periods

    The availability of a rate is determined by the Rate Period selected in the Rate Lookup for a particular Rate Type, Rate Table, and property, category, or area combination.

    Multiple Rate Lookups can exist with overlapping Rate Periods defining changes in price or validation criteria for shorter date ranges within a larger date range.

    This method can set a base pricing structure across a season or period, with alternate pricing structures coming into and out of effect for selected dates.

    The Rate Period Hierarchy determines which rate is available and which pricing structure is applied when multiple Rate Lookups have overlapping Rate Periods using the following rules:

    1. When multiple overlapping Rate Periods exist, the Rate Lookup with the shortest date range will take precedence.
    2. If multiple Rate Lookups have the same Rate Period linked to the same Rate Type, Category, and Rate Table combinations, the most recently created Rate Lookup will be used.

    Unlike the other rate setup hierarchies that define which validation criteria are in effect, the Rate Period Hierarchy only determines the overall availability of a rate and which Rate Lookup takes precedence on a reservation stay date.


    Below is an example of how RMS determines which Rate Lookup applies to a reservation stay date when there are overlapping Rate Periods.


    Long Weekend

    School Holidays

    High Season

    A Rate Lookup has been created in RMS using a different Rate Table for each of the above periods.

    The reservation below is arriving on 1st August and departing on 8th August and will cross over all three overlapping rate periods.

    The Total Rate Breakdown on the reservation shows which Rate Lookup is used for each reservation stay date based on the overlapping Rate Periods.


    When multiple conflicting Rate Lookups share the same Rate Type, Rate Period, and category but use different Rate Tables, RMS will only use the most recently created Rate Lookup.

    Assigning a colour to each Rate Period can make it easier to identify which one is in effect when viewing rates on the Rate Manager.


    Cancellation Policy

    The Cancellation Policy applied to the reservation will be determined by the following hierarchy:

    1. Selecting or changing the cancellation policy on a reservation will ignore any policy selected on any rate setup.
    2. A cancellation policy set on a Derived Rate will only apply if no cancellation policy is selected on the Rate Type or Derived Rate Type used as the 'Derived From'.


    The deposit rule used on a reservation will be determined by where the deposit rules are configured on the Rate setup using the following hierarchy:

    1. Mixed Rate Reservations will use the Rate Type Deposit with the highest value to determine the deposit due for the reservation.
    2. A deposit policy set on a Derived Rate will only apply if no deposit policy is selected on the Rate Type or Derived Rate Type used as the 'Derived From'.

    Length of Stay Restrictions

    The Length of Stay Restrictions applicable to a rate will be determined by where they are setup in RMS.

    Length of stay restrictions (LOS) can be applied to Rates at various levels with each level of restriction taking precedence over the previous layer.

    Minimum and maximum length of stay restrictions can be setup in the following areas of RMS:

    Control Panel

    Rate Table

    Rate Period

    Rate Type Property Rule

    Derived Rate Type

    Rate Type

    • Control Panel Override: Overrides any Length of Stay set in Rate Setup.
    • Rate Table: Overrides Length of Stay set on the Rate Period, Derived Rate or Rate Type.
    • Rate Period: Overrides Length of Stay set on the Derived Rate or Rate Type as well as any Property Rate Rules.
    • Rate Type Property Rule: Overrides Length of Stay setup on the Derived Rate Type, Master Rate Type or Stand Alone Rate Type for the specific Properties setup for.
    • Derived Rate Type: Overrides Length of Stay setup on the Master Rate Type if selected on Derived Rate Setup.
    • Rate Type: Base level restriction that will not be applied if any overlaying restriction exists.


    Length of stay restrictions setup on the Rate Table will not apply if a Rate Override is in effect.

    A length of stay override in the Control Panel can be added to apply length of stay restrictions where a Rate Override exists.

    1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

    Control Panel
    Rate Table
    Rate Period
    Rate Type Property Rule
    Derived Rate Type
    Rate Type
    • Reservations arriving on the 1st would use the minimum and maximum length of stay set on the Rate Type.
    • Reservations arriving on the 2nd would use the minimum and maximum length of stay set on the Derived Rate Type, if selected on setup to override the Master Rate Type.
    • Reservations arriving on the 3rd would use the minimum and maximum length of stay set on the Property Rate Rules.
    • Reservations arriving on the 4th would use the minimum and maximum length of stay set on the Rate Period.
    • Reservations arriving on the 5th would use the minimum and maximum length of stay set on the Rate Table.
    • Reservations arriving on the 6th would use the minimum and maximum length of stay set as an Override in the Control Panel or on the Rate Manager Chart.

    MLOS (On Arrival) & Soft Close

    A Minimum Length of Stay (On Arrival) requires guests reservations to be of a certain length if choosing to arrive on a day where a MLOS is set.

    A Soft Close requires guests reservations to be of a certain length if the date the Soft Close is setup is included within their stay dates.

    Where a combination of a MLOS (On Arrival) and a Soft Close are setup across the dates the guest reservation is being created, provided both have been setup optimally the guest's reservation will be required to adhere to both restrictions with the greater of the two applying.

    1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

    Soft Close - 4 Nights

    MLOS (On Arrival) - 3 Nights
    • Reservations arriving 1st will be required to have a minimum stay of 3 nights due to the MLOS (On Arrival). They will be able to depart on 4th.
    • Reservations arriving 2nd or 3rd will be required to have a minimum of 4 nights. The MLOS (On Arrival) prevents the guest departing prior to 4th when the Soft Close takes effect and requires the guest stay a minimum of 4 nights to include this date in their reservation.

    Rate Overrides & Rate Adjustments

    A rate override can be performed on the Rate Manager, in the Control Panel, or manually on a reservation.

    Overriding the base rate will prompt RMS to ignore the rate setup tab on the Rate Table, including Dynamic Pricing

    Derived Rate Adjustments and any Rate Adjustments entered in the Control Panel or on the Rate Manager chart will also be ignored when a Rate Override is performed.

    Additionals and Packages on the Rate Table will continue to be included in the total rate calculation after a rate override.

    Initial Rate Setup

    Reviewing the fee structure used for rates at the property before completing the initial rate setup in RMS enables determining which rate setup features are most applicable, simplifying the setup process and minimising the time spent configuring the property's rates in RMS.

    The below instructions can be used to create a simple standalone rate or the best available rate in RMS. For instructions on creating more complex rates, including packaged rates, see the Advanced Rate Setup article in the Help Centre.

    Have your System Administrator complete the following.

    1. Go to Charts > Rate Manager in the side menu of RMS.
    2. Set up a Rate Type.
      1. Select the 'Rates' icon and choose 'Rate Types'.
      2. Select the 'Add' icon.
      3. Optional: Enter a Rate Type Code.
      4. Select a Rate Structure.
      5. Enter a Rate Type Description.
      6. Enter a Charge Description.
      7. Optional: Select a General Ledger Account Code.
      8. Enter a Long Description.
      9. Optional: Select a Rate Type Grouping.
      10. Optional: Select the checkbox for the required Rate Type options.
      11. Save/Exit.
      12. Select the Rate Type Access and the 'Apply/Exit' icon.
    3. Set up a Rate Period.
      1. Select the 'Rates' icon and choose 'Rate Periods'.
      2. Select the 'Add' icon.
      3. Enter a Rate Period Description.
      4. Select a Date Range.
      5. Optional: Select a colour.
      6. Save/Exit.
    4. Set up a Rate Table.
      1. Select the 'Rates' icon and choose 'Rate Tables'.
      2. Select the 'Add' icon.
      3. Enter a Rate Table Description.
      4. Select a Rate Structure.
      5. Select a Format.
      6. Select a Based On.
      7. Enter the Person Base.
      8. Enter the Rate Amounts.
      9. Save/Exit.
    5. Set up a Rate Lookup.
      1. Select the 'Rates' icon and choose 'Rate Lookups'.
      2. Select the 'Add' icon.
      3. Select a Rate Structure.
      4. Select a Rate Type.
      5. Select a Category.
      6. Select a Rate Table.
      7. Select a Rate Period.
      8. Save/Exit.


    Additional Information

    The first Rate Type in RMS must be set up as the 'Best Available Rate' when selecting the additional rate type options in step 2j.

    Selecting a General Ledger Account Code on the Rate Type will allocate all revenue for that rate to the selected account code instead of using the account code set on the category.

    The rate structure selected on the Rate Table will determine the available formats, and the selected format will determine if a based-on selection is also required.

    The Rate Lookup can only connect a Rate Type and Rate Table set up as the same rate structure. 

    'Rate', 'Category' and 'Area' are default System Labels that can be customised and may be named differently in your RMS.



    System Administrators will require Security Profile access to the 'Rate Manager Chart', 'Rate Types', 'Rate Periods', 'Rate Tables', and 'Rate Lookups' to complete this setup.

    Go to Charts > Rate Manager in the side menu of RMS.

    Rate Type

    Select the  'Rates' icon and choose 'Rate Types'.

    Select the  'Add' icon.

    Optional: Enter a Rate Type Code.

    Select a Rate Structure.


    The two rate structures of 'OTA' and 'Direct' will determine the fee calculation options available on the rate table and which channel connections the rate can be used with.

    Enter a Rate Type Description.

    Enter a Charge Description.


    The text entered as the charge description will be used for the rate transactions on the reservation account along with the reservation stay date.

    Optional: Select a General Ledger Account Code.


    Selecting a General Ledger Account Code on a Rate Type will allocate all reservation revenue for this rate to the selected account code instead of using the account code set up on the category.

    Enter a Long Description.

    Optional: Select a Rate Type Grouping.


    Assigning a Rate Type Grouping to each Rate Type enables performance tracking of rates collectively by their assigned grouping when viewing selected reports in RMS.

    Optional: Select the checkbox for the required Rate Type Options.

    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and leave the Rate Type setup.

    Select the Rate Type Access and the  'Apply/Exit' icon.

    Set up a Rate Period.


    Rate Period

    Select the  'Rates' icon and choose 'Rate Periods'.

    Select the  'Add' icon.

    Enter a Rate Period Description.

    Select a Date Range.

    Optional: Select a colour.


    The selected colour will represent the Rate Period on the Rate Manager and Booking Chart.

    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and leave the Rate Period setup.

    Continue to set up a Rate Table.


    Rate Table

    Select the  'Rates' icon and choose 'Rate Tables'.

    Select the  'Add' icon.

    Enter a Rate Table Description.


    Tip: See the Naming Conventions section of this article for suggestions on formulas for naming Rate Tables in RMS.

    Select a Rate Structure.


    The selected rate structure will determine the available formats on the Rate Table.

    Select a Format.

    Select a Based On.


    The selected rate structure and format will determine if a 'Based On' can be selected and which options are available.

    Enter the Person Base.


    The value entered as the person base will determine the number of guests included in the rate amounts entered before additional guest fees apply.

    Enter the Rate Amounts.


    The fields displayed in the 'Rate Amounts' section will vary based on the rate structure, format, and based on selected.

    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and leave the Rate Table setup.

    Continue to set up a Rate Lookup.


    Rate Lookup

    Select the  'Rates' icon and choose 'Rate Lookups'.

    Select the  'Add' icon.

    Select a Rate Structure.

    Select a Rate Type.

    Select a Category.


    Selecting a category will automatically select all areas within that category. Make these selections in the' Area' section to exclude an area or only set up the Rate Lookup for a specific area.

    Select a Rate Table.

    Select a Rate Period.

    Select the  'Save/Exit' icon to store the changes made and leave the Rate Lookup setup.


    The rate will become visible on the Rate Manager and available for selection on a reservation or in Quick Quote after the Rate Lookup is saved.

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