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    Merge Field Glossary

    Library of merge fields available for Form Letters and SMS in RMS.

    A large library of merge fields are available to use on Form Letters and SMS.

    A merge field inserted into a Form Letter or SMS will populate data using the information on the Guest Profile, Reservation or Account.

    Merge fields are organised into merge tables and display listed using the Merge Field Name.

    System Labels including any custom fields are included in the displayed list of available merge fields and will alter the Merge Field Names shown as well as the display order.

    The following merge fields are available in RMS and will display in alphabetical order using any System Labels where applicable.


    The Accounts merge table includes a list of merge fields that populate information from the Account associated to the Guest Profile, Reservation, Company or Travel Agent the Form Letter or SMS is being sent from.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    dtAccountCurrency «udtAccountCurrency» Displays the Currency Code for the currency of the Account.
    dtAccountCurrencySymbol «udtAccountCurrencySymbol» Displays the Currency Symbol for the currency of the Account.
    PayByLink_Amount «aPayByLink_Amount» The Amount Due entered for the Pay By Link, available when using RMS Pay as the Payment Gateway.
    PayByLink_Comment «aPayByLink_Comment» The Comment entered when creating the Pay By Link, available when using RMS Pay as the Payment Gateway.
    PayByLink_Expiry «aPayByLink_Expiry» The Expiry Date for the Pay By Link, available when using RMS Pay as the Payment Gateway.
    PayByLink_Link «aPayByLink_Link» The secure, encrypted URL for the Pay By Link created, available when using RMS Pay as the Payment Gateway.
    Projected_Balance «fProjected_Balance» The value of the Projected Balance for all Account Types shown as a total value without a currency symbol.
    Trans_List «fTrans_List» Populates a table that includes transactions from all Account Types with the Transaction Date, Transaction Description, Debit Value, Credit Value and Account Balance without a currency symbol.
    Includes the Rate, Sundry Charges, Receipts and Refunds.
    Trans_List_Extras «fTrans_List_Extras» Populates a table that includes transactions from the ‘Extras’ Account Type with the Transaction Date, Transaction Description, Debit Value, Credit Value and Account Balance without a currency symbol.
    Includes the Rate, Sundry Charges, Receipts and Refunds.
    Trans_List_General «fTrans_List_General» Populates a table that includes transactions from the ‘Accommodation’ Account Type with the Transaction Date, Transaction Description, Debit Value, Credit Value and Account Balance without a currency symbol.
    Includes the Rate, Sundry Charges, Receipts and Refunds.
    Trans_List_Total «fTrans_List_Total» Populates a table that includes transactions from the ‘Accommodation’ Account Type in a consolidated charge description with the Transaction Date, Transaction Description, Debit Value, Credit Value and Account Balance without a currency symbol.
    Includes the Rate, Sundry Charges, Receipts and Refunds.
    Package components for any Rate will not be listed individually and will have the total value included in the corresponding Rate transaction.
    Trans_TotalRefund «fTrans_TotalRefund» Displays the total value of any Refunds on all Account Types without a currency symbol.


    The Area merge table includes a list of merge fields that will populate information for and from the Area selected on the Reservation.

    Spare fields listed with an asterisk will use the System Label entered for the custom field.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    Addr1 «aAddr1» Address line one on the Area Details.
    Addr2 «aAddr2» Address line two on the Area Details.
    Addr3 «aAddr3» Address line three on the Area Details.
    Area «aArea» The Area Name also referred to as the Area Description.
    City «aTown» The City or Town entered on the Area Details.
    DefArrTime «aDefArrTime» The Default Arrive Time for the Area as set on the Category.
    DefDepTime «aDefDepTime» The Default Depart Time for the Area as set on the Category.
    Frontage «aFrontage» The value entered as the Frontage on the Area.
    GoogleMapLink «aGoogleMapLink» The URL entered as the Google Map Link on the Area.
    GuestDescription «aClientDescription» The Guest Description entered on the Area.
    KeyNo1 «aCode1» The value entered as Key No 1 on the Area.
    KeyNo2 «aCode2» The value entered as Key No 2 on the Area.
    Length «aLength» The value entered as the Length on the Area.
    Long_Description «aLong_Description» The Long Description entered on the Area.
    Owner_Addr1 «aOwner_Addr1» Address line one from the Owner on the Owned Area.
    Owner_Addr2 «aOwner_Addr2» Address line two from the Owner on the Owned Area.
    Owner_Addr3 «aOwner_Addr3» Address line three from the Owner on the Owned Area.
    Owner_Addr4 «aOwner_Addr4» Address line four from the Owner on the Owned Area.
    Owner_Address «aOwner_Address» Address lines one to four from the Owner on the Owned Area.
    Owner_AdHocBalance «aOwner_AdHocBalance» The balance of the Adhoc Account Type from the Owner on the Owned Area.
    Owner_City «aOwner_Town» The City or Town entered on the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Owner_Email «aOwner_Email» The email address entered on the Owner of the Owned Area
    Owner_Fax «aOwner_Fax» The fax number entered on the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Owner_Given «aOwner_Given» The given name of the the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Owner_Group_Name «aOwner_Group_Name» The group name of the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Owner_Initial «aOwner_Initial» The initials of the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Owner_Surname «aOwner_Surname» The surname of the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Owner_PhoneAH «aOwner_PhoneAH» The number entered as the After Hours Phone Number on the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Owner_PhoneBH «aOwner_PhoneBH» The number entered as the Business Hours Phone Number on the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Owner_State «aOwner_State» The State entered on the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Owner_Title «aOwner_Title» The Title entered on the the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Owner_TitleGivenSurname «aOwner_TitleGivenSurname» The Title, Given Name and Surname of the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Owner_Zip Code «aOwner_PostCode» The Post Code or Zip Code entered on the Owner of the Owned Area.
    Rental Number «aArea» The Area Name also referred to as the Area Description.
    Spare1 «aSpare1» The value entered on the Area for the custom field available in System Labels.
    Spare10 «aSpare10» The value entered on the Area for the custom field available in System Labels.
    Spare2 «aSpare2» The value entered on the Area for the custom field available in System Labels.
    Spare3 «aSpare3» The value entered on the Area for the custom field available in System Labels.
    Spare4 «aSpare4» The value entered on the Area for the custom field available in System Labels.
    Spare5 «aSpare5» The value entered on the Area for the custom field available in System Labels.
    Spare6 «aSpare6» The value entered on the Area for the custom field available in System Labels.
    Spare7 «aSpare7» The value entered on the Area for the custom field available in System Labels.
    Spare8 «aSpare8» The value entered on the Area for the custom field available in System Labels.
    Spare9 «aSpare9» The value entered on the Area for the custom field available in System Labels.
    Square_Metres «aSquare_Metres» The value entered as the Square Metres of the Area.
    State «aState» The State entered on the Area.
    Width «aWidth» The value entered as the Width on the Area.
    Zip Code «aPostCode» The Post Code entered on the Area.

    Client Stats

    The Client Stats merge table includes a list of merge fields that populate information from the Guest Statistics on the Guest Profile.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    Avg_Income «cAvg_Income» The value of the Average Income on the Guest Statistics for that Guest Profile.
    LastBed «cLastBed» The Area from the most recent Reservation for that Guest Profile.
    LastRateType «cLastChargeType» The Rate Type from the most recent Reservation for that Guest Profile.
    LastVisit «cLastVisit» The Arrival Date for the most recent Reservation for that Guest Profile.
    No_Of_Visits «cNo_Of_Visits» The total number of Reservations for that Guest Profile.
    Total_Income «cTotal_Income» The value of the Total Income on the Guest Statistics for that Guest Profile.


    The Company merge table includes a list of merge fields that populate information for the Company selected on the Guest Profile or Reservation.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    ABN «wABN» The value entered as the ABN on the Company.
    Account Type «wAccountType» The Payment Mode selected as the Account Type on the Company.
    ACN «wACN» The value entered as the ACN on the Company.
    Addr1 «wAddr1» Address line one on the Company.
    Addr2 «wAddr2» Address line two on the Company.
    Addr3 «wAddr3» Address line three on the Company.
    Addr4 «wAddr4» Address line four on the Company.
    Company Name «wCompanyName» The Company Name on the Company.
    Contact «wContact» The value entered as the Contact on the Company.
    Email «wEmail» The email address entered on the Company.
    Ext «wExt»
    Fax «wFax» The fax number entered on the Company.
    Market Type «wMarketType» The Market Type selected on the Company.
    Phone «wPhone» The phone number entered on the Company.
    Position «wPosition»
    State «wState» The state entered on the Company.
    Street Address «wStreetAddress» The complete address as entered on the Company.
    Trading As «wTradingAs» The Trading As entered on the Company.
    User «wUser»
    WWW «wWWW» The url entered for the web address on the Company.
    Zip Code «wPostCode» The post code entered on the Company.

    Current User

    The Current User merge table includes a list of merge fields that will populate information from the User logged in when merging the Form Letter or SMS.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    Department «uDepartment» The Department selected on the User.
    Email «uEmail» The email address entered on the User.
    Given «uGiven» The first name entered on the User.
    Surname «uSurname» The last name entered on the User.
    Mobile «uMobile» The mobile number entered on the User.
    PhoneAH «uPhoneAH» The phone number entered for After Hours on the User.
    PhoneBH «uPhoneBH» The phone number entered for Business Hours on the User.
    Position «uPosition» The position entered on the User.
    Title «uTitle» The Title selected on the User.
    Username «uUserName» The username of the User.


    The Document merge table includes merge fields that populate information related to the date the Form Letter is merged.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    14 Days After Letter Creation «d14DaysAfterCreationOfLetter» Populates a date fourteen days from the date of the Form Letter being merged.

    General Information

    The General Information merge table includes a list of merge fields from the Owner tab in General Information setup as well as a range of current date fields.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    ABN «pABN» The value entered as the ABN on the Owner tab in General Information.
    ACN «pACN» The value entered as the ACN on the Owner tab in General Information.
    Address1 «pAddress1» The address line one entered on the Owner tab in General Information.
    Address2 «pAddress2» The address line two entered on the Owner tab in General Information.
    CurDate_DMonthY «pCurDate_DMonthY» Today's date displayed as:
     1 January 2025
    CurDate_DMonthY_Time «pCurDate_DMonthY_Time» Today's date and the current time displayed as:
     1 January 2025 12:00 PM
    CurDate_DMonY «pCurDate_DMonY» Today's date displayed as:
    CurDate_DMY «pCurDate_DMY» Today's date displayed as:
    CurDate_DMY_Long «pCurDate_DMY_Long» Today's date displayed as:
    Monday, 1 January 2025
    CurDate_DMY_Time «pCurDate_DMY_Time» Today's date and the current time displayed as:
    01/01/2025 12:00 PM
    CurDate_MDY «pCurDate_MDY» Today's date displayed as:
    CurDate_MDY_Time «pCurDate_MDY_Time» Today's date and the current time displayed as:
    01/01/2025 12:00 PM
    CurDate_MonthY «pCurDate_MonthY» The current month and year displayed as:
    January 2025
    Email «pEmail» The email address entered on the Owner tab in General Information.
    Fax «pFax» The fax number entered on the Owner tab in General Information.
    LicenceNo «pLicenceNo» The Licence Number entered in General Information.
    Phone «pPhone» The phone number entered on the Owner tab in General Information.
    Property Name «pPropertyName» The Property Name as entered on the Owner tab in General Information.
    State «pState» The state entered on the Owner tab in General Information.
    Zip Code «pPostCode» The post code entered on the Owner tab in General Information.


    The Guest merge table includes a list of merge fields that populate information from the Guest Profile.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    ABN «cABN» The value entered as the ABN on the Guest Profile.
    Acc_No «cAcc_No» The Account Number for the account linked to the Guest Profile.
    Active Direct Debit «cActiveDirectDebit» Will display as True or False to indicate if there is an active Direct Debit setup on the Guest Profile.
    Addr1 «cAddr1» Address line one on the Guest Profile.
    Addr2 «cAddr3» Address line two on the Guest Profile.
    Addr3 «cAddr4» Address line three on the Guest Profile
    Address «cAddress» The complete address from the Guest Profile in a single line.
    Age «cAge» The value in the Age field on the Guest Profile calculated by the Birthday entered on the Guest Profile.
    Anniversary «cAnniversary» The date entered as the Anniversary on the Guest Profile.
    Displays as: 1/1/2025 12:00 PM
    Birthday «cBirthday» The date entered as the Birthday on the Guest Profile.
    Displays as: 1 Jan 2025
    Booking Source «cBooking_Src» Populates the Booking Source selected on the Guest Profile.
    Banned List «cBlacklist» Will display as True or False to indicate if the Guest Profile is on the Banned List.
    CardExp «cCardExp» Legacy field previously used to store a card expiry number.
    CardNo «cCardNo» Legacy field previously used to store a card number.
    Not PCI Compliant.
    CardType «cCardType» Legacy field previously used to store the Card Type.
    Classification «cClassification» The Classifications selected on the Guest Profile separated by a comma.
    Company «cCompany» The Company selected on the Guest Profile.
    Consent To Use Credit Card «cConsentToUseCreditCard» Displays as Yes or No to indicate the selection made on the CC Consent field for the Guest Profile.
    Contact «cContact»
    Country «cCountry» The Country selected on the Guest Profile.
    Date Created Long «cDateCreated_Long» The date the Guest Profile was first created displayed as:
    Monday, 1 January 2025
    DOW DD Month YYYY
    Date Created Medium «cDateCreated_Medium» The date the Guest Profile was first created displayed as:
    1 Jan 2025
    Date Created Short «cDateCreated_Short» The date the Guest Profile was first created displayed as:
    Digital Rego Signature «cDigitalRegoSignature» Populates a signature box that can be used to capture and store a digital signature on the Guest Profile using the Guest Portal or Digital Check-in with Digital Registration Card.
    EDM Filter 1 Opt Out «cEDMFilter1OptOut» Displays as Yes or No to indicate the selection made on this customisable opt out filter on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    EDM Filter 2 Opt Out «cEDMFilter2OptOut» Displays as Yes or No to indicate the selection made on this customisable opt out filter on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    EDM Filter 3 Opt Out «cEDMFilter3OptOut» Displays as Yes or No to indicate the selection made on this customisable opt out filter on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Email «cEmail» Populates the email address entered in the Email field on the Guest Profile.
    Email2 «cEmail2» Populates the email address entered in the Email 2 field on the Guest Profile.
    Email Last Validated «cEmailLastValidated» The date the email address on the Guest Profile was last validated.
    Displays as: 1 Jan 2025
    Email Opt Out «cEmailOptOut» Displays as Yes or No to indicate the selection made for the Email Opt Out field on the Guest Profile.
    Emergency Contact Address «cEmergencyContactAddress» Populates the address entered on the Guest Contact selected as an Emergency Contact on the Guest Profile.
    Emergency Contact Email «cEmergencyContactEmail» Populates the email address entered in the Email field on the Guest Contact selected as an Emergency Contact on the Guest Profile.
    Emergency Contact Given «cEmergencyContactGiven» Populates the Given Name entered on the Guest Contact selected as an Emergency Contact on the Guest Profile.
    Emergency Contact Mobile «cEmergencyContactMobile» Populates the mobile number entered in the Mobile field on the Guest Contact selected as an Emergency Contact on the Guest Profile.
    Emergency Contact Relationship «cEmergencyContactRelationship» Populates the relationship selected on the Guest Contact selected as an Emergency Contact on the Guest Profile.
    Emergency Contact Surname «cEmergencyContactSurname» Populates the Surname entered on the Guest Contact selected as an Emergency Contact on the Guest Profile.
    External ID «cExternalId» Populates the value entered as the External ID on the Guest Profile.
    Fax «cFax» Populates the value entered as the Fax number on the Guest Profile.
    Frequent Flyer «cFrequentFlyer» Populates the value entered as the Frequent Flyer Number on the Guest Profile.
    Gender «cGender» Populates the selection of Male, Female or X from the Guest Profile.
    Gift Card Table «cGiftCard_Table» Populates a table with the Gift Card Number, Gift Card Name, Purchased Amount, Expiry and Message for the Gift Card associated to the Guest Profile using the following Gift Card merge fields:
    Given «cGiven» Populates the Given Name entered on the Guest Profile.
    Groupname «cGroupname» Populates the Groupname entered on the Guest Profile.
    Guest_Id «cClient_Id» Populates the unique Guest ID for the Guest Profile.
    Guest Status «cClient_Status» Populates the Guest Status selected on the Guest Profile.
    ID_Type «cID_Type» Populates the value entered in the ID Type field on the Guest Profile.
    Initial «cInitial» Displays the first letter of the Given Name on the Guest Profile.
    Insurance Company «cInsuranceCompany» Populates the value entered in the Insurance Company field on the Guest Profile.
    Licence Date of Expiry «cLicence_Date_Of_Expiry» Populates the date selected as the Licence Date of Expiry on the Guest Profile as DD MMM YYYY.
    Licence Date Of Issue «cLicence_Date_Of_Issue» Populates the date selected as the Licence Date of Issue on the Guest Profile as DD MMM YYYY.
    Licence_No «cLicence_No» Populates the value entered as the Licence Number on the Guest Profile.
    Loyalty History «cLoyaltyHistory» Populates a table with the Loyalty Activity, Points Change, Amount, Date and Description when using Guest Rewards or Guest Loyalty by Spend for the Guest Profile using the following merge fields.
    Loyalty No «cLoyaltyNo» Populates the Loyalty Number on the Guest Profile when using Guest Rewards or Guest Loyalty by Spend.
    Loyalty Points «cLoyaltyPoints» Populates the number of Guest Reward Points on the Guest Profile when using Guest Rewards or Guest Loyalty by Spend.
    Marketing Opt Out «cMarketingOptOut» Displays as Yes or No to indicate the selection made for the Marketing Opt Out field on the Guest Profile.
    Membership No «cMembership_No» Populates the value entered in the Membership Number field on the Guest Profile.
    Mobile «cMobile» Populates the number entered in the Mobile field on the Guest Profile.
    Name Add «cNameAdd» Populates the Given Name, Surname and Address entered on the Guest Profile
    Displays as:
    Guest Example
    123 Example Street
    Example Town
    Post Code
    Nationality «cNationality» Populates the country selected as the Nationality on the Guest Profile.
    Notes «cNotes» Displays the Guest Notes from the Guest Profile.
    Other Name «cOtherName» Displays the text entered in the Other Name field on the Guest Profile.
    Owned As At «cOwned_As_At» Displays the start date of the Owner Contract for the Owner when using Owner Accounting.
    Owner Adhoc Balance «cOwnerAdHocBalance» Displays the Adhoc Account Balance of the Owner when using Owner Accounting.
    Owners Area «cOwners_Area» Displays the Area Description of the Owned Area for the Owner when using Owner Accounting.
    Pass Expiry «cPass_Expiry» Populates the Pass Expiry for a Pass purchased for the Guest Profile when using the Passes module.
    Pass ID «cPass_ID» Populates the Pass ID for a Pass purchased for the Guest Profile when using the Passes module.
    Pass Type «cPass_Type» Populates the Pass Type for a Pass purchased for the Guest Profile when using the Passes module.
    Pass Valid From «cPass_Valid_From» Populates the Pass Valid From Date for a Pass purchased for the Guest Profile when using the Passes module.
    Passport No «cPassportNo» Populates the value entered in the Passport Number field on the Guest Profile.
    Phone AH «cPhone_AH» Populates the value entered in the Phone AH field on the Guest Profile.
    Phone BH «cPhone_BH» Populates the value entered in the Phone BH field on the Guest Profile.
    Phone Opt Out «cPhoneOptOut» Displays as Yes or No to indicate the selection made for the Phone Opt Out field on the Guest Profile.
    Photo «cPhoto» Populates the file name for the Photo saved on the Guest Profile.
    Place of Issue «cPlaceOfIssue» Populates the value entered in the Place of Issue field on the Guest Profile.
    Position «cPosition» Populates the value entered in the Position field on the Guest Profile.
    Post Code «cPostCode» Populates the value entered in the Post Code field on the Guest Profile.
    Post Sort «cPost_Sort» Populates the value entered in the Post Sort field on the Guest Profile.
    Post Opt Out «cPostOptOut» Displays as Yes or No to indicate the selection made for the Post Opt Out field on the Guest Profile.
    PrefArea «cPrefArea» Displays the Area Description selected as the Preferred Area on the Guest Profile.
    PrefAreaGrp «cPrefAreaGrp» Displays the Category selected as the Preferred Area Group on the Guest Profile.
    Preference «cPreference» Populates the value entered in the Preference field on the Guest Profile.
    PrefPrintingLanguage «cPrefPrintingLanguage» Displays the language selected as the Preferred Printing Language on the Guest Profile.
    Property «cProperty» Populates the Property selected on the Guest Profile.
    Region «cRegion» Populates the Region selected on the Guest Profile.
    Registration No «cRegistrationNo» Populates the value entered in the Registration Number field on the Guest Profile.
    Res Type «cRes_Type» Populates the Reservation Type selected on the Guest Profile.
    RV Brand «cRVBrand» Populates the value entered in the RV Brand field on the Guest Profile.
    RV Length «cRVLength» Populates the RV Length selected on the Guest Profile.
    RV Model «cRVModel» Populates the RV Model entered on the Guest Profile.
    RV Slide «cRVSlide» Populates the RV Slide selected on the Guest Profile.
    RV Type «cRVType» Populates the RV Type selected on the Guest Profile.
    RV Year «cRVYear» Populates the RV Year selected on the Guest Profile.
    Secondary Guest List Comma «cSecondaryGuestList_Comma»
    Secondary Guest List CR «cSecondaryGuestList_CR»
    Signatory Guest List «cSignatoryGuestList»
    Signatory Guest List Comma «cSignatoryGuestList_Comma»
    Signatory Guest List CR «cSignatoryGuestList_CR»
    SMS Opt Out «cSMSOptOut» Displays as Yes or No to indicate the selection made for the SMS Opt Out field on the Guest Profile.
    Spare 1 «cSpare1» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 2 «cSpare2» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 3 «cSpare3» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 4 «cSpare4» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 5 «cSpare5» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 6 «cSpare6» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 7 «cSpare7» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 8 «cSpare8» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 9 «cSpare9» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 10 «cSpare10» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 11 «cSpare11» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 12 «cSpare12» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 13 «cSpare13» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 14 «cSpare14» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 15 «cSpare15» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 16 «cSpare16» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Guest Profile.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    State «cState» Populates the value entered as the State on the Guest Profile.
    Status «cStatus» Populates the Guest Status selected on the Guest Profile.
    Sub Title «cSub_Title» Populates the Sub Title selected on the Guest Profile.
    Surname «cSurname» Populates the Surname entered on the Guest Profile.
    Tag «cTag» Populates the value entered in the Tag field on the Guest Profile.
    Title «cTitle» Populates the Title selected on the Guest Profile.
    Title Given Surname «cTitleGivenSurname» Populates the Title, Given Name and Surname on the Guest Profile.
    Town «cTown» Populates the value entered in the Town field on the Guest Profile.
    VIP Code «cVIPCode» Populates the selection made in the VIP Code field on the Guest Profile.
    Visa Expiry Date «cVisa_Expiry_Date» Populates the date selected as the Visa Expiry Date on the Guest Profile.
    Visa Issue Date «cVisa_Issue_Date» Populates the date selected as the Visa Issue Date on the Guest Profile.
    Visa No «cVisa_No» Populates the value entered as the Visa Number on the Guest Profile.
    WWW «cWWW» Populates the URL entered as the website on the Guest Profile.

    Job Maintenance

    The Job Maintenance merge table includes a list of merge fields for Asset Maintenance Jobs.

    These merge fields can be used to create a Form Letter used with Triggered Correspondence to send to an Owner when a Job is created in their Owned Area.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    mCreatedBy «jmCreatedBy» Populates the User that created the Job in Asset Maintenance.
    mDescription «jmDescription» Populates the Job Description.
    mJobFor «jmJobFor» Populates the Assets, Areas or Dwellings the Job was created for.
    mJobNo «jmJobNo» Populates the unique Job ID.
    mJobType «jmJobType» Populates the Job Type selected on the Job.
    mPartsTable «jmPartsTable» Populates a table with the Parts Ordered selected on the Job.
    mPriority «jmPriority» Populates the Priority selected on the Job.
    mProgressNotesTable «jmProgressNotesTable» Populates a table with any Notes created on the Job.
    mProvider «jmProvider» Populates the Service Provider selected on the Job.
    mRequiredBy «jmRequiredBy» Populates the date selected as the Required By on the Job.
    mStatus «jmStatus» Populates the Job Status selected on the Job.
    mSundryTable «jmSundryTable» Populates a table of any Sundry Charges added to the Charges tab on the Job.
    mWorkRequired «jmWorkRequired» Populates the notes entered as the Work Required on the Job.


    The Properties merge table contains a list of merge fields that from the Property Information.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    ABN «zABN» The Value entered as the ABN on Property Information.
    Addr1 «zAddr1» Address line one in Property Information.
    Addr2 «zAddr2» Address line two in Property Information.
    Addr3 «zAddr3» Address line three in Property Information.
    BankingBankCode «zBankingBankCode» The Bank Code entered on the 'Banking' tab of Property Information.
    BankingPropAccCode «zBankingPropAccCode» The Account Code entered on the 'Banking' tab of Property Information.
    BankingPropTaxAccCode «zBankingPropTaxAccCode» The Tax Account Code entered on the 'Banking' tab of Property Information.
    BankingSAPPropCode «zBankingSAPPropCode»
    Code «zCode» The Property Code entered on Property Information.
    Country «zCountry» The Country selected on Property Information.
    Email «zEmail» The email address entered on Property Information.
    Fax «zFax» The value entered as the Fax number on Property Information.
    GenBank2AcctBranchName «zGenBank2AcctBranchName» The Branch Name entered for Bank Account 2 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBank2AcctBSBNo «zGenBank2AcctBSBNo» The BSB number entered for Bank Account 2 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBank2AcctName «zGenBank2AcctName» The Account Name entered for Bank Account 2 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBank2AcctNo «zGenBank2AcctNo» The Account Number entered for Bank Account 2 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBank2BankName «zGenBank2BankName» The Bank Name Code entered for Bank Account 2 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBank2BillerCode «zGenBank2BillerCode» The Biller Code entered for Bank Account 2 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBank2BranchAddress «zGenBank2BranchAddress» The Branch Address entered for Bank Account 2 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBank2DirectEntryUserID «zGenBank2DirectEntryUserId» The Direct Entry User ID entered for Bank Account 2 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBank2SwiftCode «zGenBank2SwiftCode» The Swift Code entered for Bank Account 2 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBank2TransDesc «zGenBank2TranDesc» The Transaction Description entered for Bank Account 2 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBankAcctBranchName «zGenBankAcctBranchName» The Branch Name entered for Bank Account 1 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBankAcctBSBNo «zGenBankAcctBSBNo» The BSB number entered for Bank Account 1 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBankBankName «zGenBankAcctName» The Account Name entered for Bank Account 1 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBankAcctNo «zGenBankAcctNo» The Account Number entered for Bank Account 1 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBankBillerCode «zGenBankBillerCode» The Biller Code entered for Bank Account 1 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBankBranchAddress «zGenBankBranchAddress» The Branch Address entered for Bank Account 1 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBankDirectEntryUserId «zGenBankDirectEntryUserId» The Direct Entry User ID entered for Bank Account 1 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBankSwiftCode «zGenBankSwiftCode» The Swift Code entered for Bank Account 1 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    GenBankTransDesc «zGenBankTranDesc» The Transaction Description entered for Bank Account 1 on the 'General Bank Account' tab of Property Information.
    Logo «zLogo» Populates the image file uploaded as the Logo on Property Information.
    Name «zName» The Property Name as entered on Property Information.
    Notes «zNotes» Any notes entered in the Notes field on Property Information.
    Owner «zOwner» The Owner Name entered on Property Information.
    PhoneBH «zPhoneBH» The value entered as the Business Hours Phone Number in Property Information.
    Post Code «zPostCode» The value entered as the Post Code in Property Information.
    ShortNote «zShortNote» Any text entered as the Short Note in Property Information.
    Spare1 «zSpare1» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Property.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare2 «zSpare2» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Property.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare3 «zSpare3» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Property.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare4 «zSpare4» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Property.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare5 «zSpare5» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Property.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    State «zState» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Property.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    TermsAndConditions «zTermsAndConditions» Populates the text entered as the Terms and Conditions in Property Information.
    Town «zTown» The Town entered in Property Information.
    TrustBankAcctBranchName «zTrustBankAcctBranchName» The Trust Bank Account Branch Name entered in Property Information for Trust Accounting properties.
    TrustBankAcctBSBNo «zTrustBankAcctBSBNo» The Trust Bank Account BSB number entered in Property Information for Trust Accounting properties.
    TrustBankAcctName «zTrustBankAcctName» The Trust Bank Account Name entered in Property Information for Trust Accounting properties.
    TrustBankAcctNo «zTrustBankAcctNo» The Trust Bank Account Number entered in Property Information for Trust Accounting properties.
    WWW «zWWW» The url of the website entered in Property Information.


    The Reservation merge table contains a list of merge fields that will populate information from the Reservation.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    Acc_No «rAcc_No» The Reservation Account Number.
    Access No List «rAccessNoList»
    Active Meal Plan «rActiveMealPlan» The Meal Plan on the selected Activity.
    Activity «rActivity» The Activity selected on the Reservation.
    Additional Tariff 1 «rAdditionalTariff1» The number of this Guest Type entered on the Reservation when using the Additional Charge Label in System Labels.
    Additional Tariff 2 «rAdditionalTariff2» The number of this Guest Type entered on the Reservation when using the Additional Charge Label in System Labels.
    Additional Tariff 3 «rAdditionalTariff3» The number of this Guest Type entered on the Reservation when using the Additional Charge Label in System Labels.
    Additional Tariff  4 «rAdditionalTariff4» The number of this Guest Type entered on the Reservation when using the Additional Charge Label in System Labels.
    Additional Tariff 5 «rAdditionalTariff5» The number of this Guest Type entered on the Reservation when using the Additional Charge Label in System Labels.
    Additional Tariff 6 «rAdditionalTariff6» The number of this Guest Type entered on the Reservation when using the Additional Charge Label in System Labels.
    Add On «rAddOn» The name of any Add On selected on the Reservation.
    Add On Category Spare 1 «rAddOnCategorySpare1» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Add On Category.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Add On From Date «rAddOnFromDate» The From Date selected for any Add On Category on the Reservation.
    Add On Sundry «rAddOnSundry» The Add On Sundry Charge for any Add On Category selected on the Reservation.
    Add On Sundry Amount «rAddOnSundryAmount» The Total Amount for the Add On Sundry Charge for any Add On Category selected on the Reservation
    Add On To Date «rAddOnToDate» The To Date selected for any Add On Category on the Reservation.
    Add On Type «rAddOnType» The Add On Category selected on the Reservation.
    Adults «rAdults» The Number of this Guest Type on the Reservation.
    Area «rBed» The Area Description for the Area selected on the Reservation.
    Area List Comma «rAreaList_Comma» The Area Description for the Area selected on each Reservation separated by a comma.
    Area List Long «rAreaListLong»
    Arrive Date Long «rArr_Date_Long» The Arrive Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    Monday, 1 January 2025
    DOW, DD Month Year
    Arrive Date Medium «rArr_Date_Medium» The Arrive Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    1 Jan 2025
    Arrive Date Short «rArr_Date_Short» The Arrive Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    Arrive Time «rArr_Time» The Arrive Time on the Reservation displayed in 24-hour time.
    Arrive Time 2 «rArriveTime» The Arrive Time on the Reservation displayed as 12-hour time.
    Bal Ele «rBal_Ele» The current Account Balance for this Reservation Account Type.
    Bal Extras «rBal_Extras» The current Account Balance for this Reservation Account Type.
    Bal Gas «rBal_Gas» The current Account Balance for this Reservation Account Type.
    Bal General «rBal_General» The current Account Balance for this Reservation Account Type.
    Bal Internet «rBal_Internet» The current Account Balance for this Reservation Account Type.
    Bal Wat «rBal_Wat» The current Account Balance for this Reservation Account Type.
    Balance «rBalance» The total Reservation Account Balance with the currency code of the account currency.
    Base Package «rBasePackage» The value of any Package on the Rate for the Reservation.
    Base Package Nightly «rBasePackageNightly» The Per Night Value of any Package components on the Rate for the Reservation.
    Base Rate «rBaseTariff» The value of the Base Rate on the Reservation with the currency code.
    Base Rate Nightly «rBaseTariffNightly» The value of the Nightly Base Rate on the Reservation.
    Base Rate Weekly «rBaseTariffWeekly» The value of the Base Rate per week on the Reservation.
    Bed Config List «rBedConfigList» Populates a table with the Bed Configuration and Number of using the below merge fields.
    Bed Config List Comma «rBedConfigListComma» Lists the Bed Configuration and number of each configuration on the Reservation separated by a comma.
    Billing Instructions «rBillingInstructions»
    Bill Category «rBillRoomType» The name of the Category selected as the Bill Category on the Reservation.
    Bill Category Guest Description «rBillRoomType_Client_Description» The Guest Description of the Category selected as the Bill Category on the Reservation.
    Booking Source «rBooking_Source» The Booking Source selected on the Reservation.
    Bond Amount «rBondAmount» The value of the Rate Table Bond for the Rate Type selected on the Reservation.
    Booker Contact «rBookerContact»
    Business Segment «rBusiness_Segment» The Business Segment selected on the Reservation.
    Business Lost «rBusiness_Lost»
    Cancel Code «rCancelCode» The Code of the Cancellation Policy selected on the Reservation.
    Cancel Description «rCancelDescription» The name of the Cancellation Policy selected on the Reservation.
    Cancelled By «rCancelled_By» The User that changed the Reservation Status to 'Cancelled'.
    Cancelled Date «rCancelled_Date» The date the Reservation Status was changed to 'Cancelled' displayed as:
    01 Jan 2025
    Cancel Long Description «rCancelLongDescription» The long description of the Cancellation Policy selected on the Reservation.
    Category «rCategory» The name of the Category selected on the Reservation.
    Category Guest Description «rCategory_Client_Description» The Guest Description of the Category selected on the Reservation.
    Category Long «rCategory_Long» The long description of the Category selected on the Reservation.
    Category Headline «rCategoryHeadline» The text entered as the Headline on the Category selected on the Reservation.
    Category List Comma «rCategoryList_Comma» The Category selected on each Reservation in a Group separated by a comma.
    Category List CR «rCategoryList_CR» The Category selected on each Reservation in a Group displayed as a list with each Category on a new line.
    Category List Summary Comma «rCategoryListSummary_Comma» The Category selected on each Reservation in a Group with the number of Areas in each Category separated by a comma.
    Category List Summary CR «rCategoryListSummary_CR» The Category selected on each Reservation in a Group with the number of Areas in each Category displayed as a list with each Category on a new line.
    Category Spare 1 «rCategorySpare1» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Category.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Category Spare 2 «rCategorySpare2» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Category.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Category Spare 3 «rCategorySpare3» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Category.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Category Spare 4 «rCategorySpare4» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Category.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Category Spare 5 «rCategorySpare5» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Category.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Category Spare 6 «rCategorySpare6» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Category.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Category Spare 7 «rCategorySpare7» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Category.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Category Spare 8 «rCategorySpare8» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Category.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Category Spare 9 «rCategorySpare9» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Category.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Category Terms and Conditions «rCategoryTermsAndConditions» The Terms and Conditions entered on the Category displayed as a string of text.
    Children «rChildren» The number of this Guest Type on the Reservation.
    Guest Account Balance «rClientAccBal» The balance of the Guest Account for the Primary Guest on the Reservation.
    Company «rCompany» The Company selected on the Reservation.
    Confirmed By «rConfirmed_By» The User that changed the Reservation Status to 'Confirmed'.
    Confirmed Date «rConfirmed_Date» The date the Reservation Status was changed to 'Confirmed' displayed as:
    01 Jan 2025
    Contact Addr 1 «rContactAddr1» Address line one for the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Addr 2 «rContactAddr2» Address line two for the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Addr 3 «rContactAddr3» Address line three for the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Addr 4 «rContactAddr4» Address line four for the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Country «rContactCountry» The Country for the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Email «rContactEmail» The email address entered on the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Given «rContactGiven» The first name of the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Mobile «rContactMobile» The mobile number entered on the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Pager «rContactPager» The value entered as the pager number on the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Phone AH «rContactPhoneAH» The value entered as the Phone After Hours number on the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Phone BH «rContactPhoneBH» The value entered as the Phone Business Hours on the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Position «rContactPosition» The Position entered on the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Post Code «rContactPostCode» The Post Code entered on the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact State «rContactState» The State entered on the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Surname «rContactSurname» The last name of the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Contact Title «rContactTitle» The Title of the Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Date Made Long «rDateMade_Long» The Reservation Creation Date displayed as:
    Monday, 1 January 2025
    DOW, DD Month Year
    Date Made Medium «rDateMade_Medium» The Reservation Creation Date displayed as:
    01 Jan 2025
    Date Made Short «rDateMade_Short» The Reservation Creation Date displayed as:
    Days «rDays» The number of Days the Reservation is in-house for.
    Depart Date Long «rDep_Date_Long» The Depart Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    Monday, 1 January 2025
    DOW, DD Month Year
    Depart Date Medium «rDep_Date_Medium» The Depart Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    01 Jan 2025
    Depart Date Short «rDateMade_Short» The Depart Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    Depart Time «rDep_Time» The Depart Time on the Reservation displayed in 24-hour time as:
    Depart Time 2 «rDepartTime» The Depart Time on the Reservation displayed in 12-hour time as:
    Deposit Amt «rDeposit_Amt» The value of the Deposit Amount on the Reservation and the currency code.
    Deposit Due Date Long «rDeposit_Due_Date_Long» The Deposit Due Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    Monday, 1 January 2025
    DOW, DD Month Year
    Deposit Due Date Medium «rDeposit_Due_Date_Medium» The Deposit Due Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    01 Jan 2025
    Deposit Due Date Short «rDeposit_Due_Date_Short» The Deposit Due Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    Deposit Required By «rDeposit_Required_By» Displays the Deposit Due Date on the Reservation as:
    01 January 2025
    DD Month Year
    Deposit 2 Amount «rDeposit2_Amt» Displays the Second Deposit Amount on the Reservation.
    Deposit 2 Due Date Long «rDeposit2_Due_Date_Long» The Second Deposit Due Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    Monday, 1 January 2025
    DOW, DD Month Year
    Deposit 2 Due Date Medium «rDeposit2_Due_Date_Medium» The Second Deposit Due Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    01 Jan 2025
    Deposit 2 Due Date Short «rDeposit2_Due_Date_Short» The Second Deposit Due Date on the Reservation displayed as:
    Deposit Paid «rDepositPaid» Displays the value of unallocated Receipts on the Reservation Account that contribute as the Deposit Paid Amount.
    Deposit Paid Date «rDepositPaidDate» Displays the Currency Code and Deposit Paid Date as:
    01 January 2025
    DD Month Year
    Discount «rDiscount» The Discount name of the Discount selected on the Reservation.
    Discount Reason «rDiscountReason» The Discount Reason selected on the Reservation.
    Drop Off Amount «rDropOffAmount» The value of the Transfer Amount for the Drop Off when using Guest Transfers.
    Drop Off Carrier «rDropOffCarrier» The Carrier selected on the Guest Transfer for Drop Off.
    Drop Off Conf No «rDropOffConfNo» The Confirmation Number of the Drop Off Guest Transfer.
    Drop Off Drop Off Location «rDropOffDropOffLocation» The Drop Off Location for the Guest Transfer.
    Drop Off Flight No «rDropOffFlightNo» The Drop Off Flight Number for the Guest Transfer.
    Drop Off Note «rDropOffNote» The text entered as Notes on the Drop Off Guest Transfer.
    Drop Off PAX «rDropOffPAX» The number of Guests for the Drop Off Guest Transfer.
    Drop Off Pick Up Location «rDropOffPickUpLocation» The Pick Up Location selected on the Drop Off Guest Transfer.
    Drop Off Transfer Date «rDropOffTransferDate» The date of the Drop Off Guest Transfer.
    Drop Off Transfer Time «rDropOffTransferTime» The time of the Drop Off Guest Transfer.
    Drop Off Transfer Type «rDropOffTransferType» The Transfer Type selected for the Drop Off Guest Transfer.
    Est Crowd «rEstCrowd»
    ETA «rEta» The Estimated Arrival Time selected on the Reservation.
    Event Finish Long «rEvent_Finish_Long» The Event Finish Date & Time on the Event Reservation displayed as:
    Monday, 1 January 2025 12:00 PM
    DOW, DD Month Year HH:MM AM/PM
    Event Finish Medium «rEvent_Finish_Medium» The Event Finish Date on the Event Reservation displayed as:
    01 Jan 2025 12:00 PM
    Event Finish Short «rEvent_Finish_Short» The Event Finish Date on the Event Reservation displayed as:
    01/01/2025 12:00 PM
    Event Name «rEvent_Name» The Event Name entered on the Event Reservation.
    Event Start Long «rEvent_Start_Long» The Event Start Date & Time on the Event Reservation displayed as:
    Monday, 1 January 2025 12:00 PM
    DOW, DD Month Year HH:MM AM/PM
    Event Start Medium «rEvent_Start_Medium» The Event Start Date on the Event Reservation displayed as:
    01 Jan 2025 12:00 PM
    Event Start Short «rEvent_Start_Short» The Event Start Date on the Event Reservation displayed as:
    01/01/2025 12:00 PM
    External Res No «rExternal_Res_No» The value entered as the External Reservation Number on the Reservation when imported.
    Fixed «rFixed» Displays the selected made on the Fixed field of the Reservation as True or False to indicate if the Reservation is a Fixed Reservation.
    Group Master «rGroup_Master» Displays as 0 or 1 to indicate if the Reservation is the Group Master.
    Will display as 1 when the Reservation is the Group Master or 0 if the Reservation is a Sibling Reservation.
    Group Res No «rGroup_Res_No» Displays the Master Reservation Number on a Master Reservation.
    Group Occupant Area «rGroupOccupantArea»
    Group Occupant No Area «rGroupOccupantNoArea»
    Group Summary Nightly «rGroupSummaryNightly»
    Group Summary Total «rGroupSummaryTotal»
    Guest Arrive Date Medium «rGuest_Arrive_Date_Medium» Displays the Arrive Date for the Guest on the Reservation as:
    01 Jan 2025
    Guest Depart Date Medium «rGuest_Depart_Date_Medium» Displays the Depart Date for the Guest on the Reservation as:
    01 Jan 2025
    Guest Portal Checkout «rGuest_Portal_Checkout» Populates a link to the Guest Portal with the URL displayed as: 
    Guest Portal Express Check Out
    Guest Portal Enterprise Login «rGuest_Portal_Enterprise_Login» Populates an encrypted link that logs the Guest into the Guest Portal for the Enterprise RMS Client ID displayed as:
    Guest Portal Login
    Guest Portal Enterprise Short URL «rGuest_Portal_Enterprise_Short_URL» Populates a shortened URL to the Guest Portal for the Enterprise RMS Client ID that displays as:
    Guest Portal Login «rGuest_Portal_Login» Populates an encrypted link that logs the Guest into the Guest Portal for the Property displayed as:
    Guest Portal Login
    Guest Portal Property Login «rGuest_Portal_Property_Login» Populates an encrypted link that logs the Guest into the Guest Portal for the Property displayed as:
    Guest Portal Login
    Guest Portal Property Short URL «rGuest_Portal_Property_Short_URL» Populates a shortened URL to the individual Property Guest Portal that displays as:
    Guest Portal Short URL «rGuest_Portal_Short_URL» Populates a shortened URL to the individual Property Guest Portal that displays as:
    Guest Facing Requirement List «rGuestFacingRequirementList» Populates a table of any Guest Facing Requirements on the Reservation with the Quantity, Description and Amount using the below merge fields.
    Guest Facing Requirement List Comma «rGuestFacingRequirementList_Comma» Displays a list of any Guest Facing Requirements on the Reservation separated by a comma.
    Guest Facing Requirement List CR «rGuestFacingRequirementList_CR» Displays a list of any Guest Facing Requirements on the Reservation with each Guest Facing Requirement on a new line.
    Guest Facing Requirement List Full «rGuestFacingRequirementListFull» Populates a table of any Guest Facing Requirements on the Reservation including the Quantity, Description, Amount, From Date and To Date using the below merge fields.
    Hold Dates «rHoldDates» The Hold Dates on the Reservation.
    Hold Leaving «rHoldLeaving» The Hold From Date on the Reservation.
    Hold Returning «rHoldReturning» The Hold To Date on the Reservation.
    Infant «rInfant» The number of this Guest Type on the Reservation.
    Itinerary «rItinerary»
    ICost «tlCost»
    Licence From Long «rLicence_From_Long» The Licence From Date when the System Type is Shopping Centre.
    Licence From Medium «rLicence_From_Medium» The Licence From Date when the System Type is Shopping Centre.
    Licence No «rLicence_No» The Licence Number when the System Type is Shopping Centre.
    Licence Signed «rLicence_Signed» The Licence Signed Date when the System Type is Shopping Centre.
    Licence To Long «rLicence_To_Long» The Licence To Date when the System Type is Shopping Centre.
    Licence To Medium «rLicence_To_Medium» The Licence To Date when the System Type is Shopping Centre.
    Long Term «rLong_Term» Displays as True or False to indicate if the Reservation has been set as a Long Term Reservation.
    Made By «rMade_By» The User that created the Reservation.
    Market Segment «rMarketSegment» The Market Segment selected on the Reservation.
    Meal Plan «rMealPlan» The Meal Plan selected on the Reservation.
    Modified By «rModified_By» The User that last saved changes to the Reservation.
    Modified Date «rModified_Date» The date the Reservation was last modified.
    Nightly Rate Inc Tax «rNightlyRateIncTax» The value of the Nightly Rate including any Taxes.
    Nightly Tariff «rNightlyTariff» The value of the Nightly Rate.
    Nights «rNights» The number of Nights the Reservation is in-house for.
    No of Areas «rNo_of_Areas» The number of Areas on the Reservation.
    Note 1 «rNote1»
    Note 2 «rNote2»
    Notes «rNotes» The Reservation Notes on the Reservation.
    NPS Survey URL «rNPS_Survey_URL» A uniquely generated NPS Survey URL for the Reservation displayed as:
    Click Here
    Occupant «rOccupant»
    Online Conf No «rOnline_Conf_No» The Online Confirmation Number for the Online Reservation.
    Will display as 0 if not an Online Reservation.
    OTA Note «rOTANote» The OTA Notes on the Online Reservation.
    OTA Ref 1 «rOTARef1» The value entered in the OTA Reference 1 field on the Online Reservation.
    OTA Ref 2 «rOTARef2» The value entered in the OTA Reference 2 field on the Online Reservation.
    OTA Ref 3 «rOTARef3» The value entered in the OTA Reference 3 field on the Online Reservation.
    Payment Mode «rPayment_Mode» The Payment Mode selected on the Reservation.
    Payment Mode Description «rPayment_Mode_Description» The long description of the Payment Mode selected on the Reservation.
    Pencil Expiry Date Long «rPencilExpiry_Date_Long» The Expiry Date on the Pencil Reservation displayed as:
    Monday, 1 January 2025
    DOW, DD Month Year
    Pencil Expiry Date Medium «rPencilExpiry_Date_Medium» The Expiry Date on the Pencil Reservation displayed as:
    01 Jan 2025
    Pencil Expiry Date Short «rPencilExpiry_Date_Short» The Expiry Date on the Pencil Reservation displayed as:
    Permitted Use «rPermittedUse» The Permitted Use selected on the Area when the System Type is Shopping Centre.
    Pick Up Amount «rPickUpAmount» The value of the Transfer Amount for the Pick Up when using Guest Transfers.
    Pick Up Carrier «rPickUpCarrier» The Carrier selected on the Guest Transfer for Pick Up.
    Pick Up Conf No «rPickUpConfNo» The Confirmation Number of the Pick Up Guest Transfer.
    Pick Up Drop Off Location «rPickUpDropOffLocation» The Drop Off Location for the Pick Up Guest Transfer.
    Pick Up Flight No «rPickUpFlightNo» The Pick Up Flight Number for the Guest Transfer.
    Pick Up Note «rPickUpNote» The text entered as Notes on the Pick Up Guest Transfer.
    Pick Up PAX «rPickUpPAX» The number of Guests for the Pick Up Guest Transfer.
    Pick Up Pick Up Location «rPickUpPickUpLocation» The Pick Up Location selected on the Pick Up Guest Transfer.
    Pickup Transfer Date «rPickupTransferDate» The date of the Pick Up Guest Transfer.
    Pick Up Transfer Time «rPickupTransferTime» The time of the Pick Up Guest Transfer.
    Pick Up Transfer Type «rPickUpTransferType» The Transfer Type selected for the Pick Up Guest Transfer.
    Property Rate Rule Long Description «rPropertyTariffRuleLongDescription» The long description on the Property Rate Rule for the selected Rate Type on the Reservation.
    Rate «rTariff» The Base Rate on the Reservation with the currency code.
    Rate Incl Requirements Taxes «rTariff_Inc_Requirements_Taxes» The total value of any Requirements on the Reservation including Taxes.
    Rate Inc Requirements Taxes Less Deposit «rTariff_Inc_Requirements_Taxes_Less_Deposit» The outstanding value of any Requirements on the Reservation including Taxes.
    The outstanding value is the total value less any Receipts allocated.
    Rate Less Deposit 1 «rTariff_Less_Deposit1»
    Rate Less Deposit 1 and 2 «rTariff_Less_Deposit1And2»
    Rate Less Deposit 2 «rTariff_Less_Deposit2»
    Rate Overridden «rTariff_Overidden» Displays as 0 or 1 to indicate if the Rate is an Overridden Rate.
    Will display 0 if the Rate is not Overridden and 1 if the Rate is Overridden.
    Rate Type «rCharge_Type» The name of the Rate Type selected on the Reservation.
    Rate Breakdown «rTariffBreakDown»
    Rate Charge Description «rTariffChargeDescription» The Rate Charge Description for the Rate Type selected on the Reservation.
    Rate Discount «rTariffDiscount» The value of any Discount selected on the Reservation.
    Rate Inc Req Less Dep 1 «rTariffIncReq_Less_Dep1»
    Rate Inc Requirements «rTariffIncRequirements» The Base Rate plus the total value of any Requirements on the Reservation.
    Rate Less Deposit Paid «rTariffLessDepositPaid» The value of the Base Rate less any Deposit Paid.
    Rate Long Description «rTariffLongDescription» The long description of the Rate Type selected on the Reservation.
    Rate Quoted «rTariffQuoted» The Total Quoted Rate on the Reservation.
    Rate Second Discount «rTariffSecondDiscount»
    Rate Type «rTariffType» The name of the Rate Type selected on the Reservation.
    Receipts Total «rReceipts_Total» The total value of all Receipts on the Reservation Account.
    Rego List «rRegoList» A list of Car Registration Numbers entered on the Rego/Access tab of the Reservation separated by a comma.
    Requirement List «rRequirementList» Populates a table of any Requirements on the Reservation with the Quantity, Description and Amount using the below merge fields.
    Requirement List Comma «rRequirementList_Comma» Displays a list of any Requirements on the Reservation separated by a comma.
    Requirement List CR «rRequirementList_CR» Displays a list of any Requirements on the Reservation with each Requirement on a new line.
    Requirement List Full «rRequirementListFull» Populates a table of any Requirements on the Reservation including the Quantity, Description, Amount, From Date and To Date using the below merge fields.
    Requirements Inc Taxes «rRequirements_Inc_Taxes»
    Requirements Taxes «rRequirements_Taxes»
    Res Type «rResType» The Reservation Type selected on the Reservation.
    Res Type Sub «rResType_Sub» The Sub Reservation Type selected on the Reservation.
    Res No «rRes_No» The Reservation Number for the Reservation.
    Reservation Contact «rReservationContact» The Contact selected on the Reservation.
    Res Summary List «rResSummaryList» Populates a table with the Adults, Children, Arrive Date, Depart Date, Nights, Category, Rate Type, Total Rate and Rate Type Long Description on the Reservation using the below merge fields.
    RV Brand «rRVBrand» The RV Brand entered on the Reservation.
    RV Model «rRVModel» The RV Model entered on the Reservation.
    RV Year «rRVYear» The RV Year selected on the Reservation.
    Second Deposit Required By «rSecond_Deposit_Required_By» The Second Deposit Due Date for the Reservation.
    Second Discount «rSecondDiscount»
    Spare 1 «rSpare1» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 2 «rSpare2» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 3 «rSpare3» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 4 «rSpare4» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 5 «rSpare5» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 6 «rSpare6» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 7 «rSpare7» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 8 «rSpare8» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 9 «rSpare9» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 10 «rSpare10» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 11 «rSpare11» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 12 «rSpare12» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 13 «rSpare13» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 14 «rSpare14» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Spare 15 «rSpare15» Populates the value entered for this customisable field on the Reservation.
    Merge Field Name will display using the System Label.
    Status «rStatus» The Reservation Status.
    Sub Market Segment «rSubMarketSegment» The Sub Market Segment selected on the Reservation.
    Sundries «rSundries»
    Sundry Credits «rSundryCredits»
    Sundry Charges «rSundryCharges»
    Survey Link «rSurvey_Link»
    Taxes «rTaxes» The total value of Exclusive Taxes for the Rate Type selected on the Reservation.
    Total Add Ons «rTotalAddOns» The total value of Add On Charges for any Add Ons on the Reservation.
    Total CC Fees «rTotalCCFees» The total value of any Credit Card Fees on the Reservation Account.
    Total Chg «rTotalChg» The total value of Charges on the Reservation Account.
    Total Chg Less CC Fees «rTotalChgLessCCFees» The total value of Charges on the Reservation Account less any Credit Card Fees.
    Total Grand «rTotalGrand» The Grand Total of all Charges on the Reservation Account.
    Total Grand Breakdown «rTotalGrandBreakdown» The Grand Total of all Charges on the Reservation Account listed by Transaction Date.
    Total GST «rTotalGST» The total value of GST on the Reservation Account.
    Total Rate Incl Tax «rTotalRateIncTax» The value of the Total Rate including any Exclusive Taxes.
    Total Requirements «rTotalRequirements» The total value of all Requirements on the Reservation for the duration of the Reservation.
    Total Rate «rTotalTariff» The value of the Total Rate with a currency code.
    Total Rate Incl Requirements «rTotalTariffIncRequirements» The value of the Total Rate including the total of any Requirements on the Reservation.
    Total Rate Less Deposit Paid «rTotalTariffLessDepositPaid» The value of the Total Rate less any Deposit Paid.
    Total Rate Nightly «rTotalTariffNightly» The value of the Total Rate per night on the Reservation.
    TotPay «rTotPay» The total value of any Credit Notes and/or Receipts on the Reservation Account.
    Transfers Listing «rTransfersListing»
    Travel Agent Name «rAgentName» The name of the Travel Agent selected on the Reservation.
    Travel Agent Agent Trading As «rTravelAgentTradingAs» The Trading As name entered for the Travel Agent selected on the Reservation.
    Unknown «rCompanyUnknown» The selection or value entered in the Company Unknown field on the Reservation.
    Upgrade Reason «rUpgrade_Reason» The Upgrade Reason selected on the Reservation.
    Upgrade Meal Plan Creation «rUpgradeMealPlanCreation»
    Voucher No «rVoucher_No» The value entered in the Voucher Number field on the Reservation.
    Weather Widget «rWeather_Widget»
    Wholesaler «rWholesaler» The name of the Wholesaler Travel Agent selected on the Reservation.
    Wholesaler Travel Agent Trading As «rWholesaleTravelAgentTradingAs» The Trading As name entered on the Wholesaler Travel Agent selected on the Reservation.

    RMS Online Options

    The RMS Online Options merge table contains a list of merge fields that will populate the information setup in Online Options for the Property.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    Business Facilities «rBusinessFacilities» The Business Facilities entered in Online Options.
    Cancellation Policy «rCancellationPolicy» The Cancellation Policy entered in Online Options.
    Carparking Details «rCarparkingDetails» The Car Parking Details entered in Online Options.
    Features «rFeatures» The Features entered in Online Options.
    Pet Policy «rPetPolicy» The Pet Policy entered in Online Options.
    Property Desc «rPropertyDesc» The Property Description entered in Online Options.
    Terms and Conditions «rTermsAndConditions» The Terms and Conditions entered in Online Options.
    Things To Do «rThingsToDo» The Things To Do entered in Online Options.
    Travel Directions «rTravelDirections» The Travel Directions entered in Online Options.

    Travel Agent

    The Travel Agent merge table includes a list of merge fields that will populate data from the Travel Agent.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    Travel Agent Addr 1 «tAgentAddr1» Address line one on the Travel Agent.
    Travel Agent Addr 2 «tAgentAddr2» Address line two on the Travel Agent.
    Travel Agent Addr 3 «tAgentAddr3» Address line three on the Travel Agent.
    Travel Agent Addr 4 «tAgentAddr4» Address line four on the Travel Agent.
    Travel Agent Commission Pct «tAgentCommissionPct» The Commission Percentage on the Travel Agent.
    Travel Agent Name «tAgentName» The name of the Travel Agent.

    Tour Desk

    The Tour Desk merge table includes a list of merge fields that will populate information for a tour booking when using the Tour Desk module in RMS.

    Merge Field Name Merge Field Description
    No of Pax «tNoOfPax»
    Number of guests booked on the tour.
    Tour Date «tTourDate» Date the tour is booked.
    Tour Name «tTourDate»
    Name of the tour.
    Tour Notes «tTourNotes»
    Notes entered on the tour booking.
    Tour Operator «tTourOperator»
    Tour operator selected on the tour booking.
    Tour Price  «tTourPrice»
    Total price for all tickets purchased on the tour booking.
    Tour QR Code «tTourQRCode»
    Generates a QR code for the tour booking.
    Tour Requirements «tExtras_Type»
    Populates a table with the tour extras.
    Tour Table «tTourTableName»
    Populates a table with the tour booking details.

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